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齐默曼研究了马达加斯加上土地上的马达加斯加人。Zimmerman studied Malagasy populations on Madagascar.

香草是马达加斯加人的一种战略经济作物。The vanilla is a strategic product for Malagasy economy.

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诺西贝,这个词在马达加斯加表示“大岛”的意思,是马达加斯加最大的岛屿。Nosy Be, which means "big island" in Malagasy , is Madagascar's largest island.

而且为什么用马达加斯加语或者祖鲁族语写的博客,说英语的人就看不了呢?And why should an English speaker be barred from reading blogs written in Malagasy or Zulu?

安塔那那利佛是阿达加斯加的首都,在一个闹哄哄的市场上一个马达加斯加婴儿正在睡觉。The bustle of a busy market in Antananarivo, Madagascar's capital, can't keep a Malagasy baby from a nap.

不出两周,他就爱上了一位当地一个叫法利瑞的女孩。Within two weeks he had fallen for a local girl called Faniry, or "Desire" in Malagasy. You could not blame him.

马达加斯加发现了四种新的横齿龙,有一种门齿大而结实,向前突出,是抓牢植物用的。One of our four new Malagasy traversodontid species also has large, stout, forward-projecting incisors for grasping vegetation.

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马达加斯加气象服务中心采用这种办法,用美国麻省理工学院研究者们获得的数据进行模拟。The Malagasy Meteorological Service take this approach, using data produced by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States.

最复杂的地理历史是无脊椎动物中的蝴蝶,使我们能了解马达加斯加的无脊椎动物历史。The most complex biogeographic histories among the invertebrates relate to the butterflies , given our current understanding of Malagasy invertebrate history.

马达加斯加人想让他们新的、繁殖力强的朋友撒遍全国,提供一种附加的“作物”的热情可能产生适得其反的效果。The enthusiasm that many Malagasy seem to have for spreading their new and fecund friends around the country, to provide an additional "crop", may thus backfire.

微红并带有美丽花纹的马达加斯加紫檀木是世界上最受欢迎的木材,尤其是当亚洲相似的树材被伐尽以后。Malagasy rosewood — reddish and superbly grained — is among the world’s most sought-after timber, especially since Asian sources of similar trees have been depleted.

标本分析结果认为在“高阻红”地质带可能有多个单独的物种同时灭绝。The analyzed specimen was uncovered by a team of U.S. and Malagasy paleontologists in a “red bed” that includes multiple individuals that probably perished together.

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居民经常使用的马拉加西语是非洲地区唯一隶属马来亚玻里尼西亚语系的语言,类似婆罗洲南部的马尼安语。Malagasy , the commonly spoken language, is the only language in the African region to be a member of the Malayo-Polynesian family, and resembles Southern Borneo's Maanyan.

基于包括一个单一的没描述的马达加斯加球蛛科种类,调查人发现这个种类可能是新大陆社会种类的一个分支。Based on a study that included a single undescribed Malagasy species in the spider genus Anelosimus, investigators found that this species could be grouped within a clade of NewWorld social species.