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他强压制住不满。Discontent smouldered in him.

不满是进步的开始。Discontent is the furst step in progress.

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不知足是进步中的第一步。discontent is the first step in progress.

朋友的关系就好像冒泡的开水瓶啊。The pot of discontent is bubbling amongst friends.

原因之一就是在美国国内这种不满所波及到的范围。One is the breadth of the discontent in the country.

他们行为的不策略造成了普遍的不满。They contributed tactlessly to a general discontent.

不满其实是一个改变的“魂灵温室”。Discontent is actually a "soul greenhouse" of change.

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年轻的工人们对低工资喋喋不休地表示不满。The young workers cackled their discontent with poor pay.

这消息激起了工人们的怨愤。The news roused discontent and indignation of the workers.

飞扬换轮胎时,焦不满便到处看了起来。When flying for tires, coke discontent everywhere looked up.

但这样还是引来了婆婆孙丽琴的极度不满。But it still has her mother-in-law li-qin suns extreme discontent.

阿利姆说,经济上的不满也是人民广场的学生抗议事件起因之一。Economic discontent also drove the students to protest, said Alim.

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宝少不满怒气冲冲,宴席二人更比并烧银纸。Treasure discontent less angry, dinner more than with silver paper.

是我多心了,还是你也听出了帕蒂言下对自己婚姻的不满意?Was it just me, or did you hear an undertone of marital discontent?

在过去,许多不满情绪在社会表层下沸腾。It used to be that much of this discontent boiled under the surface.

说闲话者在传递不满情绪时会破坏每个人的努力。Gossipers undermine the efforts of everyone as they spread discontent.

农民和工人的抗议活动体现了社会不满情绪。Social discontent manifests itself in protests by farmers and workers.

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美国一票否决这一草案,引起巴方不满。The United States a veto of the draft, causing Palestinian discontent.

在人们对物价上涨不满的浪潮中,工党轻而易举地重新当选执政。The Labour Party swept into on a tide of discontent over rising prices.

当前的罢工浪潮起因于低工资雇员们的不满情绪。The present wave of strikes stems from discontent among the lower-paid.