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这个柚子有多重?。How heavy is this pomelo?

你们在吃柚子吗?闻起来真香啊!Are you eating pomelo? It smells so good!

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西米,芒果,芒果冰淇淋和柚子做的甜品。Sago, mango, mango ice cream and pomelo dessert.

第一道菜是金柚诲鲜沙律。Thefirst dish is a spicy and sour seafood pomelo salad.

我的弟弟喜欢在他的头上戴一顶柚子帽。My young brother likes to wear a pomelo hat on his head.

柚类是柑桔中的一类重要品种,在我国有广泛的分布。Pomelo is a group of popular cultivars of citrus in China.

一个是避免吃柚子和和由它生产的果汁。One is to avoid eating pomelo and drinking juice made from it.

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南方有的地方,人们把柚子镂空,做成精致好看的柚子灯笼。In the South, people hollow out the pomelo to make exquisite lanterns.

不同品种柚苗对UV-B辐射反应存在差异,酸柚抗性较强。Different responses to UV-B were obserued among different pomelo cultivars.

最后提出了今后沙田柚生态研究的方向。Then the direction of ecological researches on Shatian pomelo is put forward.

植物学家相信柚子和野生桔子的杂交产生了葡萄柚。Botanists believe that crosses between pomelo and wild orange created grapefruit.

走在街上,两旁总夹着橘柚的芬芳。Walking on the street, you were surrounded by the fragrance of orange and pomelo.

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中秋这一天,孩子们喜欢把柚子皮做成帽子,戴上后很好玩。On this day, many children use pomelo peels to make hats and they wear them for fun.

研究了用沉淀法以柚皮为原料提取果胶时工艺条件。The precipitation conditions during extracting pectin from pomelo peel were studied.

有的时候大人们会用柚子的皮来帮小朋友们做顶帽子,很有趣吧!Sometimes, the adults used the peel of pomelo to make a cap for the kids. It was so funny.

据了解,平和琯溪蜜柚是我国在国际注册证明商标成功的第一家。It is understood that calm pomelo is the international registration marks the first success.

对照广西沙田柚生产现状,提出了促进沙田柚生产的对策措施。The counter measures was provided with scientific basis of Guangxi Shatian Pomelo production.

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这也是常见的有月下烧烤外,并把自己的头部蜜柚外皮。It is also common to have barbecues outside under the moon, and to put pomelo rinds on one's head.

除了月饼之外亚洲人常吃的应景水果就是柚子与杨桃。In addition to moon cake, some popular fruit Asians eat on Moon Festival are pomelo and star fruit.

因此,对柚子果酒进行快速陈酿技术的研究具有较大的实际应用价值。Therefore, the rapid aging technology of the pomelo wine has great value in practical applications.