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剩余的人幸免于难。The remaining people survived.

然后继续剩下的两步。Then do the remaining two steps.

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我还要在澳大利亚治理学院念一个学期。I have one term remaining at AGSM.

剩下的抹上香蒜沙司。Top remaining slices with the pesto.

其它的音节都是非重音。The remaining syllables are unstressed.

第6章会讨论余下的步骤。Chapter 6 discusses the remaining steps.

仍伴随着点点星光的天空即将迎来黎明。Naught soon of night but stars remaining.

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剩下的只有被凭吊的一丝心情。Only pay the remaining trace of the heart.

如果不能清除夹纸,则用手取出夹纸。Remove any remaining jammed paper by hand.

上面再盖以碎核桃仁。Top batter with remaining chopped walnuts.

我们将在稍后讨论剩余的区域。We will discuss the remaining fields later.

其余的参数就不那么明显了。The remaining parameters are not so obvious.

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通过过滤将残余铁质排出。Any remaining iron is filtered from the water.

他只能在监狱中了此残生。He had to spend his remaining years in prison.

接下来,需要填充余下的单元格。Next, you need to fill in the remaining cells.

她把余下来的布缝成一条围裙。She made up the remaining cloth into an apron.

留下的纤维形成一个薄薄的纤维网或叫纤维层。The fibers remaining form a thin web or layer.

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用户可以复制和粘贴剩下的部分。You can copy and paste the remaining sections.

更有趣的是,剩下的两种可能性。More interestingly--two remaining possibilities.

然后纵向把火柴切成两长条。Then cut the remaining stick in two, lengthwise.