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随访显示中位生存时间是22.3个月。Median follow-up was 22.3 months.

中位随访时间是7年。Median follow-up time was 7 years.

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阀缝硅藻阀上的中槽。The median groove of a diatom valve.

本组患者中位随访期13个月。The median follow-up time is 13 months.

如今,他们估计,到2100年,气温升高的中间值是5.2度。Now the median estimate is 5.2C by 2100.

中位缓解时间为11个月。Median duration of reponse was 11 months.

阿富汗人口的年龄中值低于18岁。The median age in Afghanistan is under 18.

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例如,伊拉克人口的年龄中值为19。5岁。For example, the median age in Iraq is 19.5.

术中平均失血量500毫升。Median intraoperative blood loss was 500 mL.

中位无进展生存期为6个月。Median progression-free survival was 6 months.

女性被诊断患有卵巢癌的中值年龄为63岁。The median age of women diagnosed with it is 63.

千万不要过激,否则正中敌人下怀!Don't overreact, otherwise the median enemy wants!

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有没有比收入中位数更公正的数据呢?What could be fairer than using the median income?

中值滤波算法的研究与改进。Research and improvement to median filter algorithm.

卡泊芬净中位治疗时间为24天。Median duration of caspofungin treatment was 24 days.

法律工作者的平均年龄也从46岁下降到39岁。The median age has shifted from 46 years to 39 years.

这10例患者的中位生存时间为19个月。The median survival for the 10 patients was 19 months.

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中叶肺不张主要有炎症引起。The atelectasis of median lobe mainly due to inflamtion.

中值滤波器在滤除椒盐噪声方面效果很好。The median filter has good effect in filtering the noise.

接受检测和进行治疗之间的平均间隔时间为6天。The median time between testing and enrolment was 6 days.