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叫我卡尔吧。Call me Carl.

我是卡尔·阿祖兹。I'm Carl Azuz.

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我是卡尔·阿祖兹。I am Carl Azuz.

你好,我是卡尔·阿祖兹。My name is Carl Azuz.

那卡尔刘易士呢?What about Carl Lewis?

你认识卡尔·蒙德先生吗?DO you know Mr Carl Mond?

卡尔惊异地望着她。Carl looked at her wonderingly.

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卡尔和王斌是学生。Carl and Wang Bing are students.

杰克,你认识卡尔蒙德先生吗?Jack, do you know Mr. Carl Mond ?

现在你知道什么是哑谜了。Carl, now you know charades. Carl.

卡尔说他无法到达那里了。Carl said he is unable to be there.

一个洞穴探险者卡尔斯巴德的成比例的模型。A spelunker's scale model carl sbad.

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卡尔把录音机抢了过去。Carl snatched the tape recorder away.

接下来我们会为您讲述这个故事。That story's coming up. I'm Carl Azuz.

我听说卡尔对他妻子不忠。I heard that Carl was two-timing his wife.

卡尔和爱弥儿去赶天主教庙会了。Carl and Emil went up to the Catholic fair.

卡尔·施科纳维将这些都视为挑战。Carl Schoonover took this all as a challenge.

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帕默极为恼火,叫诺维克联系上卡尔。Palmer is furious and has Novick contact Carl.

最后,卡罗和非力普抬起头来看着仙女。Carl and Philip looked up at the Fairy at last.

今晚比赛的地点,卡尔文森号航空母舰。The U.S.S. Carl Vinson, site of tonight’s game.