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边缘最大化。Maximize the fringes.

让每一块钱都发挥上作用。Maximize every dollar.

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我们到底该最大化什么呢?What exactly should we maximize?

我想得到这个函数的最大值。I want to maximize that function.

这就是所谓功利最大化。That's what it means to maximize utility.

下面,我给您提出一些使家长会充分发挥作用的建议。Here, suggestions to maximize the meeting.

经理人的任务就是最大化净现值。Their task is to maximize net present value.

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点击方框图标,使窗口最大化。Click on the square icon to maximize the window.

最佳对策就是最大化利润The best response is going to maximize these profits.

就在她的后面,有位汉子掉了几张报纸。Just in maximize of her- a minge drops severing papers.

最大限度地提高空间与加州和荷兰的门衣柜。Maximize space with California Closets and Dutch doors.

最大化的减少硬盘检测时间。Maximize the reduction of the hard disk detection time.

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我们的目标就是持续地实现股东价值的最大化。Our mission is to maximize share-owner value over time.

采用短数据包传输增强抗干扰能力Short data packets maximize capacity during interference

作为理性人,每一个牧人都期望他的收益最大化。As a rational being, each herdsman seeks to maximize his gain.

我们如何最大限度地提高信噪比一般的课程?How do we maximize signal to noise ratio in general of course?

积极主动地拓展业务机会,以实现利润最大化。Actively up-sell each business opportunity to maximize revenue.

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分裂组件允许您最大化并行下载。Splitting components allows you to maximize parallel downloads.

我喜欢在工作室的中心工作,最大化利用空间。I like working in the heart of the studio to maximize the space.

你必须学会怎样利用工具使你生命中的主动性发挥到最大。You must learn to use tools to maximize proactivity in your life.