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总之,他是一个拿工资的宣传干事。In short, he was being paid to serve as a propagandist.

宣传员用扩音器对群众讲话。The propagandist used an amplifier to address the crowd.

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弥尔顿是清教徒一方最有力的宣传者。He had been the foremost propagandist for the Puritan side.

很普通和无聊的宣传方式之一,和上面一样。Very common with one of dull propagandist means, and above same.

李达是我国早期马克思主义的主要传播者之一。Li Da is one of the chief propagandist of early Marxism in China.

在我们这个时代,大多数出于宣传目的的作品都仅仅是谎言。Much of the propagandist writing of our time amounts to plain forgery.

当然了,宣传的方法有多种多样,大家都可以去尝试做一下。Of course, propagandist method has varied, everybody can try to be done.

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型手势的第二种涵义是比利时宣传家维克多·德·拉瓦雷在1941年发明的。The second meaning of the "V" sign was invented in 1941 by Belgian propagandist Victor De Lavalaye.

Luqman自称是塔利班的宣传员,负责更新此次运动的网站。Luqman is a self-declared propagandist for the Taliban in charge of updating the movement's website.

但是,深谙宣传之道、极富娱乐精神的摩尔却懂得如何拼接镜头以博取眼球。But Moore, a master propagandist and incorrigible entertainer, knows how to assemble footage in piquant ways.

梦工厂这部用电脑制作的宣传工具式的影片,其意图在于控制中国市场。Dreamworks has produced a computer-generated propagandist movie with the intent of dominating the China market.

与此同时,我们还通过宣传典型案例,震慑违法分子,形成了强大的舆论声势。Meanwhile, we still carry case of propagandist typical case, awe law-breaker, formed powerful public opinion momentum.

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宣传者会经常试图用一些特别受众的口吻,以及用一些惯用语和笑话。The propagandist will often attempt to use the accent of a specific audience as well as using specific idioms or jokes.

在全面建设小康社会的伟大进程中,宣传思想工作任务很重。In the great progress that builds comparatively well-off society in the round, job of propagandist thought job is very heavy.

宣传工作是涉及全局的重要工作,新时期搞好宣传工作意义十分重大。Publicizing the job is the main job that involves overall situation, new period does well propagandist work sense is very great.

宣传革命的热情推动法国军队进入荷兰、比利时、瑞士、德国南部、意大利北部。The propagandist zeal of the revolution carried the french armies into holland belgium switzerland south germany and north italy.

各市在调度会上对前一阶段的宣传教育培训活动进行了交流。Each city is attempering the propagandist education of before be opposite on the meeting one phase grooms the activity undertook communicating.

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熟练把握发贴和顶贴的技巧,就是为了让你的宣传素材达到最理想的流量效果。Adroitness control posts and carry the skill that stick on the head, achieve optimal discharge result to yield your propagandist material namely.

即便是售价非常低的店铺也能拿出“不含苯、甲醛、重金属等有害物质”的宣传材料。Even if is price low-down shop also can be taken out " do not contain the harmful material such as benzene, formaldehyde, heavy metal " propagandist material.

“政府花了很长一段时间,以期在1969年的消息,”这位83岁的退休宣传员和社会事务部长在胡志明市。"It took the government a long time to deliver the news in 1969, " says the 83-year-old, a retired propagandist and Social Affairs Minister in Ho Chi Minh City.