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对他不能太温情了。Don't be too lenient with him.

中资银行十分仁慈。Chinese banks are more lenient.

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你应从宽对待他们。You should be lenient with them.

我希望法官宽大为怀。I hope the judge will be lenient.

不应太宽待自己。Should not treat ourselves too lenient.

岳灵珊和林平之解释当年之上。Lenient and Lin Pingzhi explained above.

我们的老师对我们很松。Our teacher was very lenient towards us.

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老师对我们很松。The teacher was very lenient towards us.

岳灵珊说因为我是你的妻子啊。Lenient to say because I am your wife ah.

法官对这个犯人很宽大。The judge was lenient with the wrongdoer.

反诽谤法被认为太宽大了。The law on libel is considered too lenient.

根据你的情况,我们拟予以从宽处理。In your case, we are prepared to be lenient.

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根据你的情况,我们拟予从宽处理。In your case, we are prepared to be lenient.

他们倾向于过分严厉、宽大还是公平?Do they tend to be overly harsh, lenient or fair?

严以律己,宽以待人。Be strict with yourself and lenient toward others.

宥坐倾斜的样子,颜回倒水。The lenient stool tilts, and Yan Hui pours water in.

林平之用石头砸断了自己的腿大声呼叫岳灵珊。Lin Pingzhi stoned lenient in a loud voice broke his leg.

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他的教授大都对他宽宏大量,始终助他一臂之力。Most of his professors were lenient and helped him along.

老师对犯错误的学生处理宽让。The teacher was lenient in his treatment of the offenders.

林平之问岳灵珊现在要帮谁自己选择。Ask Lin Pingzhi lenient to who want to help your choice now.