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什么是先觉者?what is the illuminati?

我们是光照派,我们绝不任人摆布。We're the Illuminati , and we are not done.

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光明会和共济会是否同样的事情?Is the Illuminati the same thing as Freemasonry?

阿斯他家族是另一个有影响力的光照派家族。The Astor family is another influential Illuminati family.

迈克尔知道他不可能很直接地在大庭广众之下去反抗光明会。Michael knew he could not speak out directly against the Illuminati.

假如光明会没有插手此事的话,这个故事就可以告一段落了。And if the Illuminati had their way, that would be the end of the story.

美洲银行还赞助其他晴朗项目和组织。Bank of America also bankrolled other Illuminati projects and organizations.

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光照派的会员们,还有那些科学工作者,请听我说。你们赢了这场战争。To the Illuminati , and to those of science, let me say this. You have won the war.

当他还呆在迈克尔五兄弟的时候,他就被教授了关于光明会的秘密。Since his days in the Jackson Five, Michael was taught the secrets of the Illuminati.

光明会一开始试图利用针对他的猥亵儿童的指控来诋毁他。The Illuminati initially attempted to discredit him through child molestation charges.

光明会想要利用艺人来控制群众的潜意识,他们将信息安插在他们的歌曲中。The Illuminati use these performers to insert subliminal mind control messages in their songs.

只有你和你最富时尚品味的朋友知道你裹着一条灰绿色的紧身裤。Only you and your fellow fashion illuminati will know you’re packing lime green skintight pants.

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相信这个理论的人说,光照派非常厉害,他们把所有关于他们存在的证据都销毁了。Believers say the Illuminati is so effective, they've erased almost all evidence of their existence.

光明教派用粒子光束加速器武器﹐用脉冲能量将尼毕鲁在木星附近击毁。The Illuminati used particle beam accelerator weapons in pulse form to blow it up as it neared Jupiter.

现在,我们知道所有光照派成员的名字,没有谁能够逃脱对他们关闭的大网。By now, we know all of the names of the Illuminati and none shall escape the net that closes in on them.

大多数光明会的成员亦是在许多情况下,延伸回第2世纪时的主要血统成员。Most members of the Illuminati are also members of major bloodlines that in many cases extend back to the 2nd century.

那些对你们来说一直被禁止的,却被这些挑选出来的少数人所享受着,他们都是光照派隐秘操作活动的成员。What you have been denied is being enjoyed by the selected few who are part of the covert operations of the Illuminati.

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如果他们与世界上人口减少的计划进行,根据驻东京的记者本杰明富尔福德,46。Illuminati members if they proceed with world depopulation plans, according to Tokyo-based journalist Benjamin Fulford , 46.

来自光照派的行动在不断减少,这是由于他们的重臣们不断脱离他们而走向善这边。The activities of the Illuminati are decreasing as more and more of their minions move away from that path towards the good.

她唯一参与的是在光明会科学家触发地震后不可避免的起初的陆地和海水的运动。Her only involvement was the unavoidable initial movements of land and water after Illuminati scientists triggered the quake.