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水晶灯!Crystal Lamp!

水晶白麻。Crystal White.

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举起你的水晶酒杯吧。Use your crystal goblets.

你们有水晶项链卖吗?Do you have crystal necklace?

纽约芬妮水晶首饰店。Fanny Crystal Jewelry Co. Inc.

黄水晶色略泛浅绿。Crystal yellow and green colour.

我每天都用水晶玻璃杯。I use crystal glasses every day.

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具有完整的立方八面体晶体,高强度和热稳定性。It's a cubic crystal inside of it!

它也被称为“白水晶”。It is also known as "Rock Crystal".

它是为明如水晶。It's something as clear as crystal.

精钢,G字形水晶表带。Stainless steel crystal G bracelet.

伊莎贝尔我是来取招魂护身符的。She takes the crystal as her amulet.

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这是一个三维的晶体。This is a three-dimensional crystal.

结晶格子及结晶系统。Crystal lattices and crystal systems.

人们用水晶仿造钻石。People imitate diamonds with crystal.

水钻的主要成分是水晶玻璃。Chaton consists mainly of crystal glass.

水钻的主要成分是水晶玻璃。Chaton mainly consists of crystal glass.

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晶晶看起来虎头虎脑的,像只小粉熊!Crystal is look like a little pink bear!

深秋的天空异常爽朗。In late autumn the sky is crystal clear.

冬天的清晨像水晶一样干净。The winter morning was clear as crystal.