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经常赞美她。Compliment her often.

她把这个称呼看作是一种恭维。She means this as a compliment.

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模仿是至高的赞美。Fakery is a kind of a compliment.

恭维他们,表现敬意。Compliment them, and show respect.

技巧4.赞美她的生殖器No.4 Compliment her on her genitalia

比如说,他做了一个愚蠢的决定。Elli says "Oh, it's not a compliment."

他那几句英语,我实在不敢恭维。I can't compliment him on his English.

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那倒是一则讥讽的恭维话。That's rather a backhanded compliment.

最后一次称赞他们是什么时候了?When did you last pay them a compliment?

他的话是双重意义的恭维。His word was a double-barrelled compliment.

它既可以是褒奖,也可以是侮辱。It can be either a compliment or an insult.

关注是无声的,绵绵不断的赞赏。Attention is a tacit and continual compliment.

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一句简单的赞语,可能成为极深的祝福。A simple compliment can be a profound blessing.

吉姆受到父亲的赞扬而得意扬扬。His father's compliment left Jim walking on air.

一个老病友给了我一个奇妙的恭维。An elderly patient paid me a wonderful compliment.

他很高兴,因为在她的赞扬里他没有看到冷嘲。He was pleased, seeing no irony in her compliment.

不知为何,丽对于这番赞美并不感到高兴。For some reason this compliment did not please Rei.

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她微笑了,好像他把她打的饱嗝当成了一句恭维话似的。She smiled as though he’d meant it as a compliment.

伽罗什带着些许怀疑接受了这些赞许。Garrosh accepts the compliment with some skepticism.

称某人为“蜥蜴脑袋”绝非一种恭维。IT IS no compliment to call someone lizard -brained.