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还有别的意见吗?,罗杰?Another observation?Roger?

很敏锐的观察力。That's a keen observation.

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他是一个观察力敏锐的人。He is a man of keen observation.

观测点的景色。View from the observation point.

察看是最好的老师。Observation is the best abecedary.

我们将作一次观光旅行。We shall have a trip of observation.

我认为我有很强的观察力,能从小事引发出有趣的想法。I have very strong observation power.

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她是一个观察力敏锐的学生。She is a student of keen observation.

这个可疑分子受到监视。This suspect comes under observation.

你的评论不得要领。Your observation is beside the question.

这个故障数月来未引起注意。The fault escaped observation for months.

梨属植物花粉形态的观察研究。Observation on pollen morphology of Pyrus.

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当然,那儿根本没有什么观察窗。There was, of course, no observation window.

这同资政的观察是完全相符的。This observation is consistent with Mr Lees.

将每一年的数据作为一个观察值I'm going to have each observation as a year.

中天也具有同样的情况。The same observation holds for the Midheaven.

用药观察期为2个月。The medication observation period is 2 months.

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我的观察力也得到磨砺。My powers of observation were honed through it.

在法兰克福美茵大厦观景台上眺望整个城市。City from Frankfurt Main Tower observation deck.

他是个眼力敏锐的侦察员,而且很负责。He is a responsible scout with keen observation.