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他的维也纳厨娘也受他的恩宠。He also favored his Viennese diet cook.

她的头低着,眼睛看着手中的威尼斯鹰羽扇。She looked down at her Viennese fan of eagle feathers.

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她的头低著,眼睛看著手中的威尼斯鹰羽扇。She looked down at her viennese fan of eagle feathers.

一首维也纳古典音乐派协奏曲作品。One concerto of "Viennese classics" in complete volume.

如果想要避开旅游团,可以试试去Nussdorf,这里很受维也纳人的喜欢。To avoid tour groups, try Nussdorf, popular with Viennese.

维也纳甜糕衬托出红色水果的香醇。An aromatic bouquet of red fruit on a base of Viennese pastry.

这是一幢被改造成阁楼的维也纳彼德麦式公寓。A classic Viennese Biedermeier apartment was treated as a loft.

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那里有我最爱的维也纳式新月形饼干,但我一口也没吃。My favorite Viennese crescent cookies were set out, but I couldn’t eat one.

她低头看着那把羽毛扇,他发现她的双唇在颤抖。She lookeddown at her Viennese fan of eagle feathers, and he sawthat her lips trembled.

从本周六开始,这部作品将在维也纳国家歌剧院上演。The production is being staged at the Viennese opera house, the Volksoper, beginning on Saturday.

这个时候她依然叫我“卡酷”,还准备了纽约最好的面包店做的维也纳式新月形饼干。She called me ca-coo and for dessert served Viennese crescent cookies from the best bakery in New York.

她还是叫我卡酷,还给我的孩子们吃纽约最好的面包店做的维也纳式新月形饼干。She still called me Ca-Coo and served my children Viennese crescent cookie from the best bakery in New York.

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墙上的艺术品和飘扬的音乐赋予了维也纳咖啡馆一种融洽轻松的氛围。The art on the walls and the music in the air gave Viennese coffeehouses an intimate and relaxing atmosphere.

然而,哈农科特却发对这样的观点——即他是来教授维也纳同行如何理解华尔兹的。For his part, Harnoncourt rejects the notion that he will be teaching his fellow Viennese how to shape a waltz.

不过,在哈农考特方面,他却拒绝接受这种看法,即去教他的维也纳同行如何塑造华尔兹。For his part, Harnoncourt rejects the notion16 that he will be teaching his fellow Viennese how to shape a waltz.

亚斯伯格症候,一般被认为是孤独症的轻微表现,首先在1944年由维也纳的小儿科医生汉斯.亚斯伯格确诊。Asperger's, considered a mild form of autism, was first identified in 1944 by Viennese pediatrician Hans Asperger.

哈农考特最希望能被维也纳音乐界权势集团所接受。对维也纳人来说,他始终有点像是外人。Most of all, Harnoncourt wants to be accepted by the Viennese establishment, to whom he has always been a bit of an outsider.

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她从来没有停止叫我“卡酷”,她从来没有停止给我来自纽约最好面包店的新月型饼干。She never stopped calling me ca-coo, and she never stopped offering Viennese crescent cookies from the best bakery in New York.

十九世纪末,维也纳政治家卡尔·鲁伊格以反闪米特人为基础建立了他的势力。At the tail end of the nineteenth century, the Viennese politician Karl Lueger founded his power base on an anti-semitic platform.

大多数维也纳人坚定而充满感情地把圆舞曲看作一种属于自己的音乐形式。In most Viennese heads, nothing except the waltz is so firmly and so affectionately fixed as the one truly indigenous musical form.