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他驾驶双翼飞机到达,在一棵树上紧急降落。He arrives in his biplane and crash lands it in a tree.

以自己双翼飞翔的鸟儿永远可以飞得更高。Forever may fly by oneself biplane wing soaring bird high.

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我梦想有一天我会有一架特技飞机,特别是双层翼飞机。I knew someday I would own an aerobatic plane, especially a BIPLANE.

跳上你的双翼飞机并且轰炸敌人的岛屿,或者使用你的加农炮进行防御。Hop in your biplane and bomb the enemy island, or use your cannon to protect your own.

如果你高兴或实在很闲,可以用小碎片做成机尾部分,或做成华丽丽的双翼飞机。If you want, you can use little scraps to make a tail section. Or you can make a biplane.

如果你追求完美或者实在太闲,还可以把零碎的下脚料粘成机尾部分,或者做成复翼飞机。If you want, you can use little scraps to make a tail section. Or you can make a biplane.

她买了一架老的飞机并且不断的练习,在1930年,艾米启程前往澳大利亚。She bought an old biplane and worked on it, day and night. In 1930, Amy set off to fly to Australia.

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合在您的双平面和炸弹的敌人岛屿,而使用您的加农炮保护自己的棕榈树。Hop in your biplane and bomb the enemy island while using your cannon to protect your own palm trees.

阐述了目前广泛使用的位平面截断算法的理论依据,并指出其次最佳性。The theoretic fundamentals for the commonly used biplane truncation algorithm is expounded, and its sub- optimality is pointed out.

目的探讨实时双平面立体成像超声引导经直肠前列腺多点穿刺活检的临床价值。Objective To assess the efficacy and safety of real-time biplane imaging in ultrasound-guided transrectal core biopsies of the prostate.

提出了一种利用双平面正交投影重建血管截面的方法。In this paper, a new approach to reconstruction of transverse cross sections of arteries from biplane orthogonal projections is proposed.

微波凝固治疗原发性肝癌2例,实时双平面成像观察治疗过程中微波天线周围组织的汽化情况。In 2 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma boiloff of the tissue around the antenna was observed by real-time biplane imaging during microwave coagulation.

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飞行员彼得·麦克米兰和兰·基德比乘坐着维克维美号双翼飞机的复制品正掠过澳洲境内的小岛,这里离他们从英格兰—澳洲航线的终点近在咫尺。Buzzing Aussie isles, pilots Peter McMillan and Lang Kidby are in the home stretch of their England-to-Australia flight in a replica Vickers Vimy biplane.

奥利安是一只拥有巨大双翼的金鹰,然而患有恐高症的它,却不能像其它金鹰一样尽情翱翔。Olean is one has the giant biplane wing's golden eagle, however contracts acrophobia 's it, actually cannot look like other golden eagles to hover equally heartily.

由于双平面X射线造影系统只能提供两幅有限的投影数据,冠状动脉树的三维重建在匹配、优化几何变换矩阵等方面存在困难。The purpose of this study is to provide a 3D reconstruction of the skeleton of the coronary artery tree from two X-ray angiograms acquired on a biplane angiographic system.

探索的动脉瘤,简化了,因为每个孩童都只需要血管的轴向,那么这双翼飞机PA及横向跑,紧随其后的是一个单一的旋转血管造影跑。The exploration of intracranial aneurysms is simplified and only requires, for each vascular axis, a biplane PA and Lateral run followed by a single rotational angiography run.

国家航空航天博物馆展示了美国在飞行和宇宙探索方面取得的成就,从莱特兄弟的第一架双翼飞机到阿波罗号登月任务以及其他。The national Air and Space Museum celebrates the nation’s achievements in flight and space exploration, from the Wright brother’s first biplane to the Apollo moon mission and beyond.

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格鲁曼F4F野猫的最初设计目的是作为双翼战斗机F3F的后继者,但在设计方案输给了布鲁斯特布法罗公司后,野猫被重新设计为单翼机。The Grumman F4F Wildcat was originally intended as a biplane successor to the F3F, but after the design was beaten out by the Brewster Buffalo, the Wildcat was reconfigured as a monoplane.

这是一个无人驾驶的双翼飞机,它有着自动钢琴的风箱来为回旋装置提供动力,以及一个收银机的机械装置——通过记录类似螺旋推进器的转子的旋转次数来计算飞行的距离。It was an unmanned biplane with player-piano bellows to power its gyroscope and a cash-register mechanism that calculated distance flown by counting the rotations of a propeller-like rotor.

这是一个无人驾驶的双翼飞机,它有著自动钢琴的风箱来为迴旋装置提供动力,以及一个收银机的机械装置——通过记录类似螺旋推进器的转子的旋转次数来计算飞行的距离。It was an unmanned biplane with player-piano bellows to power its gyroscope and a cash-register mechanism that calculated distance flown by counting the rotations of a propeller-like rotor.