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听着,我有很多钱。Listen, I got a lotta money.

那可是好多好多种子啊!That is a whole lotta seeds!

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洛塔兴奋地跳起舞来。Lotta danced round in excitement.

我觉得这个意义很重大。I thought it made a whole lotta sense.

嘿,你块头大,你有很多木头。You're a big guy. You got a lotta wood.

他们说有许多牙科医生住在这里。They say there's a lotta dentists staying here.

这就是微软的整个Live计划。That's a whole lotta Live Microsoft has planned.

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很多工作,啊,真是有趣的经历。It was a lotta work, but, boy, what an experience.

就跟你说这单子上有一堆的亚洲元素。Told you there's a lotta Asian theme on this list.

这是一个充满了欢笑,饱饱的肚子和爱的时刻。It's a time of big smiles, full tummies and a whole lotta love.

如果朗。朗曼装入很多根长的木头,那么,朗。朗曼装的那些长长的木头。If Long Longman loaded a lotta long logs, then where are all the long logs.

我知道你现在事情多压力大,但这件事很急,你必须现在处理一下。I know you're under a lotta stress, but you're gonna have to deal with this now.

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我心中的朋友,就是要一起做不尽的事享受不尽的乐趣。My idea of a friend is when you do a lotta things together and have a lotta fun.

在这个新闻事件中,对于我,有很多的英文词汇可以学习。In this news event, as for me, there are lotta of English vocabularies I can learn.

当然,很多人相信他们生来是统治世界的。Well, there's a whole lotta people who believe they too were born to rule the world.

跑的英里数太多了,弗兰克…把你的机械师找来,他叫什么名字…That's a lotta mileage, Frank... Let's have that mechanic of yours, what's his name..

我知道我说了和做过很多伤害你的事,但我发誓,我再不会出错。Now I know I said and done a lotta things, that I hurt you, but I promise, Ill never do that again.

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我知道我说了和做过很多伤害你的事,但我发誓,我再不会犯错。Now I know I said and done a lotta things, that I hurt you, but I promise, I'll never do that again.

这并不意味着你将要不惜血本,带她去一家豪华餐厅。That doesn`t mean you don`t have to take your sweetheart to a posh restaurant and spend a lotta bucks.

我爱你,琼。我知道我说了和做过很多伤害你的事,但我发誓,我再不会犯错。I love you, June. Now I know I said and done a lotta things, that I hurt you, but I promise, Ill never do that again.