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摩根微服私访。P. Morgan traveling incognito.

审查通过了就可以改名字了。Examine passed OK and incognito word.

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微服私访次在埃及居住在汉城的夜。Incognito plays "Nights Over Egypt" live in Seoul.

直到我们取得了成就时,我想说,那就让我们隐姓埋名地去生活吧。Till we can achieve something, let us live incognito , say I.

他很苦闷一直没有答案,于是便微服私访。He was very distressed has been no answer, so incognito travel.

尽管他在星期天没有隐藏起身份,很多和他一样游行的人是要的。Though he was not incognito on Sunday, many of his fellow paraders were.

君宝领悟秘诀,创出太极拳,改名张三丰。Jun Baoling realizes recipe, achieve a shadowboxing, incognito Zhang Sanfeng.

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上个月,帕丁森想用灌木一般的胡子乔装隐姓在洛杉矶中。Pattinson tried to go incognito with this bushy beard last month in Los Angeles.

一山批评摊贩食物,小贩以为他是微服出巡的品味使。A mountain of criticism that he is food vendors, hawkers taste to travel incognito.

你准备好改变你的生活并且隐姓埋名的在街上走么?Q. Are you ready to change your life and not be able to walk in the street incognito ?

改名为吴歌、凡凡、陶桃的三人变身女子偶像团体。Incognito the 3 people that are Wu Ge, Fan Fan, Tao Tao go organization of body woman God.

哪家餐厅改名了,哪里新开了一家餐厅,都及时添加到数据库中。Which dining-room is incognito , where to open a restaurant newly, add in time in the database.

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微服私访是英国乐队,被广泛作为酸爵士乐运动的主要成员之一。Incognito are a British band, widely regarded as one of the key members of the acid jazz movement.

此外,所有新生成的cookies在你关闭全部隐身模式的窗口时也会全部删除。In addition, all new cookies are deleted after you close all the incognito windows that you’ve opened.

例如,在Chrome浏览器的隐身模式中,你浏览的所有网页不会出现在历史记录中。For example, in Chrome’s incognito mode, any webpage that you view won’t appear in your browsing history.

在森林里,班度族计划13年的流亡,隐姓埋名,工作在另一个王国。In the forest, the Pandavas plan their 13th year of exile to live incognito and to work in another Kingdom.

您可以打开一个链接在隐姓埋名窗口右键点击链接并且选择打开链接在隐姓埋名窗口。You can open a link in an incognito window by right-clicking the link and selecting Open link in incognito window.

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与此同时,新店长雷颂华正在微服私访整个超市的整个运营情况。At the same time, the new long LeiSongHua was traveling incognito the whole the whole operation of the supermarket.

在两人的影响下,瑾瑜改名为莘月,踏上了建安的土地。Below the influence of two people, jin gem is incognito the month that it is Shen, set foot on build installed land.

变成了人样的小猪改名为猪八戒,不想再重新变回猪,于是逃走了。The piggy that turned a person into appearance is incognito for the pig 8 give up, do not want to change afresh again a pig, ran away then.