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我们以雨天式进行火供。We did fire puja the rainy day style.

火供从头至尾很轻松的进行得很顺利。The fire puja went well effortlessly from beginning to the end.

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我忽然获得这样的认识便是这个火供的又一个利益。That I suddenly had this realization is one more benefit of this Puja.

在火供及烟供期间没有雨,所以没有人淋湿。During the fire puja and smoke puja there were no rain, so no one got wet.

首次的地藏菩萨火供将于十一月廿三日举行。The first fire puja to Bodhisattva Earth Treasure will be held on Nov. 23.

从九点半开始,开始的一个小时里,洛恩帮助皮加和尼图补习。Beginning at nine thirty, for the first half-hour, Loryn works with Puja and Nitu.

我记得每一次和仁波切通话的时候,他永远都在举行法会。I remember that every time I talked to Rinpoche over the phone, he was always in a puja.

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随著火供日子的临近,我遵从林博士的建议反覆地持念绿度母咒。As the date of the Puja approached, I repeated the mantra of Green Tara as advised by Dr. Lin.

大约三个月前,我请示林钰堂博士是否可以为我的冤亲债主做一次火供。About 3 months ago, I asked Dr. Yutang Lin whether he could perform a Puja for my karmic creditors.

在敬拜卡利女神的一个日子上,奉献者们清楚地看见他是神圣母亲的显现。On the day of the Kali Puja the devotees clearly saw in him the manifestation of the Divine Mother.

普迦相信,要面对生存的挑战,每个人都必须承接来自根源的最佳部份。Puja believes that, to meet the challenges of survival, we must carry forward the best of all our roots.

在难近母节庆的时候,我看见他和他的儿子在神圣母亲的神像面前扇起了扇子。I saw him and his son waving the fan before the image of the Divine Mother at the time of the Durga Puja.

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一年一度的杜迦朝圣祭是印度教最普遍的祭典,将于9月29日展开。The annual Durga Puja festival, which starts on September 29, is one of the most popular festivals for Hindus.

在泰国的阿萨拉日上,僧侣们手持蜡烛围绕佛像前行。这张曝光25秒的照片记录下了蜡烛的轨迹。In this 25 second exposure, Thai Buddhists carry candles around a large Buddha on Asanha Puja Day near Bangkok.

杜迦女神节庆即将在9日展开,这是印度教最重大的盛会,近几周印度多处皆紧锣密鼓为此准备。The annual Durga Puja festival, which will start from October 9, is one of the most popular festivals for Hindus.

火供是这修持的一部份,能够带来平安、和谐、健康、财富、快乐及昌盛。Fire Puja is one part of its practice which brings peace and harmony, health and wealth, and happiness and prosperity.

如我昨天火供报告中所提到的我将增入此说明至此仪轨的结尾处,而我已如此做好了。As I mentioned in the fire puja report yesterday that I will add the explanation to the end of the ritual, I had done so.

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拥有财宝天王宝瓶者,请把宝瓶带来参加法会接受再次的加持。For those who have the Namtose Wealth Vase, please bring it along for blessings during the Puja to re-energize it once more.

之后几天,我们在报纸上发现一则针对我的病症很有效的不用开刀即可取瘤的新方法。Afterwards, we knew it is called Puja. Later, we have found a new method of eliminating the leiomyomas without cutting the body.

弟子敬行请我讲解他在陈上师的〈古鲁古里佛母怀法火供仪轨〉中找出的〈古鲁古里佛母颂〉。Disciple Jing Xing asked me to give a talk on a Praise to Kurukulla as found in Guru Chen's fire puja ritual to the Mother Buddha.