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我自己的狗狗,布卡,是一只两岁的黄金猎犬。Bucca is a 2 year old golden retriever.

对于一只3岁的金毛寻回犬来说,这实在很不错。Not bad, for a 3-year-old Golden Retriever.

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金毛寻回犬为中型犬的一种。The Golden Retriever is a medium-sized breed of dog.

我恨肝脏和奶酪,“脱口而出的金毛寻回犬。HATE liver and cheese, " blurts the Golden Retriever."

拉布拉多贵宾狗是拉布拉多觅拾犬和贵宾狗的混种。A Labradoodle is a mix of Labrador retriever and a poodle.

这下子,我的声音听上去也象是一个金毛狗了。" I'm thinking, "Oh my gosh, I sound like a golden retriever.

除了臭屁屁外,我可以接受成为一只黄金猎犬。I could be a Golden Retriever except for the ass-sniffing thing.

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他们刚刚养了一只小金毛,取名叫做塔克。They had justgotten a puppy, a golden retriever they named Tucker.

给予金毛猎犬一个新的家,它会给你一个家中的核心。Give a golden retriever a new home and it will give you a home in its heart.

这一切都从她最好的朋友给她带来名叫露比的一只拉布拉多犬开始。It all happened when her best friend brought her Ruby, a Labrador Retriever pup.

她也有三条狗——一条狮子狗、一条金毛猎犬和一条杰克罗素梗犬。She also has three dogs — a poodle, a golden retriever and a Jack Russell terrier.

这真可以说的上是这条黄金猎犬的幸运日。You could say it was a doggone good day for this golden retriever in Washington State.

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美国爱犬俱乐部表示,贵宾狗挤掉了拉布拉多和腊肠狗。The poodle edged out the Labrador retriever and dachshund, the American Kennel Club said.

来自小鼠和人类的同源基因的数据集使用BKL检索器被产生。Data sets of orthologous genes from mouse and human were generated using the BKL Retriever.

一些受欢迎的成员,体育组是黄金猎犬和卡犬。Some popular members of the Sporting Group are the Golden Retriever and the Cocker Spaniel.

漂亮的金毛猎犬普拉那已经离开了我们。她名字的意思是“生命的气息”。Prana, our beautiful golden retriever whose name means "breath of life, " isn't with us anymore.

12月,希拉里送给我一只美丽的深褐色拉布拉多猎狗,使我在切尔西离家后能有个伴。In December, Hillary gave me a beautiful chocolate Labrador retriever to keep me company with Chelsea gone.

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一只金毛寻回犬救了三只被妈妈抛弃的小白老虎的命。A golden retriever has come to the rescue of a trio of baby white tigers, who were abandoned by their mother.

现在全球每年降水量通常为1米—“大约有一只金毛猎犬那么高。The rain that now falls on the world in a normal year measures a metre – "about the height of a golden retriever."

本帖将要讨论两者的优缺点,还包括如何去挑选和照看任何年龄段的金毛。This booklet will discuss the pros and cons of both, and how to select and care for a Golden Retriever of any age.