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“就出版商们而言出版这本挂历是不明智的”。It is tactless on the part of the publishers.

她那些不得体的话简直是火上加油。Her tactless remarks just added fuel to the fire.

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但触觉感并不代表这不得体。But tactile does not have to translate into tactless.

一般说他们的存心是好的,不过他对人有些生硬罢了。He generally means well, but he is a little tactless.

我真的渴望能收回自己那无知的言语!How I longed for the power to unsay my tactless words!

我多么希望没说那些不得体的话啊!How I longed for the power to unsay these tactless words!

大使,有时会被逼的说话有点不客气。Ambassadors, when pushed, can sometimes be a little tactless.

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他不得体的话语使他父亲感到十分不快。His tactless words had incurred his father's deep displeasure.

我们习惯于谴责媒体的行为是无味的、笨拙的。We're used to press behaviour being decried as tasteless or tactless.

他对听众说了句不得体的话,一开始就使自己处于不利的地位。He got off on the wrong foot with a tactless remark about his audience.

诚实的人说真相,缺乏技巧的人说出所有真相。An honest person tells the truth, a tactless person tells the whole truth.

他们看来,经常更换职业的人浅薄,不老练。In their opinions, people who change their jobs frequently are superficial and tactless.

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首先,尽管那个记者说话不够得体,但他的确说到了一个重点。First of all, despite his tactless approach, the reporter brought home a very important point.

偶尔使用或者在对抗不老练对手时使用,这会是你武器库中很精彩的行动。The occasional use of or against the tactless opponent when using, this will be your arsenal is very exciting action.

本杰明。富兰克林年轻时愣头愣脑,缺乏交际技能,后来却颇具外交策略,在处理人际关系中游刃有余,被任命为美国驻法大使。Benjamin Frankiln, tactless in his youth, became so diplomatic, so adroit at handling people that he was made American Ambassador to France.