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大通和约翰C安德伍德。Chase and John C. Underwood.

安德伍德的内衣裤是在德伍德的森林里。Underwood 's underwear was in Durwood's woods.

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仿佛春天从心灵寒冷的深处醒来As though spring woke in the heart's cold Underwood.

他欺骗了安德伍德,安德伍德扬言迟早要报复。Underwood threatened to pay him back sooner or later.

安德伍德进入德伍德的森林去取他的书。Underwood went into Durwood's woods and got his book.

安德伍德进入德伍德的森林取回了他的内衣裤。Underwood went into Durwood's woods and got his underwear.

“提醒我”的新单曲的专辑,功能凯莉安德伍德。"Remind Me, " the new single from the album, features Carrie Underwood.

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他给我的是一台安德伍牌老式打字机,我把它架在地下室里。He gave me his old Underwood typewriter and I set it up in the basement.

让如凯莉。安德伍德,用纯白色系组合打造出清新宜人的风格吧!Keep your style fresh by rocking a clean color combination like Carrie Underwood.

在圣诞节假期时她同意嫁给曲棍球明星男友迈克费歇尔。Underwood said yes to Ottawa Senators hockey star Mike Fisher 29 over the holidays.

而总统最终没有兑现诺言,于是安德伍德开始实施一系列复仇行动。When the president breaks that promise, Underwood embarks on a campaign of revenge.

我坐在安德伍牌打字机前,想写些真实的事儿。I sat there at my Underwood typewriter, but I wished that something real would happen.

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名列这类排行前三位的分别是“美国偶像”评委西蒙·考维尔、卡丽·安德伍德和模特秀节目主持人海蒂·科拉姆。were "American Idol" judge Simon Cowell, Carrie Underwood and model-TV host Heidi Klum.

事后安德伍德承认逃脱管制,为此服刑期又延长了6个月。Underwood pleaded guilty to escaping from custody and was sentenced to an extra 6 months.

他的律师替他辩护道,他是去找女友了,想把架吵完。His lawyer said Underwood had gone to see his girlfriend and wanted to finish a domestic argument.

歌手米兰达?兰贝特击败安德伍德,获得年度最佳女歌手等三项大奖。Singer Miranda Lambert won three awards, including best female vocalist, at the expense of Underwood.

安德伍德此次一举击败斯威夫特,以及肯尼·切斯尼、凯斯·厄本和布拉德·派斯利等实力派选手。Underwood was up against Swift and other artists including Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban and Brad Paisley.

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你向人打听班恩。安德伍德的事,就会听人说起这个好似对自己失明浑然不觉的了不起男生。Ask people about Ben Underwood , and you'll hear about the amazing boy who doesn't seem to know he's blind.

这位昔日美偶冠军,如今大红大紫的乡村女歌手将和现役曲棍球运动员迈克费舍在七月十日喜结连理!Carrie Underwood will tie the knot with pro hockey player Mike Fisher on July 10, according to Life &Style.

老鹰在一棵大树的枝丫上做它的巢,而狐狸就爬到矮丛里去,在那里产下它的小狐狸。The Eagle built her nest in the branches of a tall tree, while the Fox crept into the underwood and there produced her young.