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幼虫有五龄。The larva has 5 instars.

幼虫将会从卵中孵出来。The larva hatches from the egg.

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接着幼虫变成了蛹。Later the larva turns into a pupa.

根据什么因缘选择这个幼体作为女王?By what karma is the larva for a princess chosen?

丝蚕其实是桑树蛾子的幼虫。Silkworms are the larva of the mulberry silk moth.

成虫危害叶片,幼虫危害根系。The imago destructs leaves and larva destructs roots.

仅仅三四天的时间,蜂卵就能发育成幼虫。In only three to four days, the egg hatches into a larva.

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浮浪幼体腔肠动物其扁平的,能自由浮游的,有纤毛的幼体。The flat, free-swimming, ciliated larva of a coelenterate.

最后海鞘从幼虫爬了出来。Eventually, the starfish moves to the outside of the larva.

卵、幼虫利蛹的历期有待进一步研究。The development of egg, larva and pupae need further study.

成、幼虫以多种鳞翅目幼虫为食。Adults and larva preyed on many kinds of Lepidoptera larvae.

实验对成虫与幼虫图像均进行分割。Experiments with imago and larva locust images is segmented.

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培养皿中一周大的鳗鱼苗在蓝色灯光下发光。A weeks-old eel larva in a petri dish glows under blue light.

体外受精,能产生自由活动的浮浪幼虫。Fertilization is external, producing free-living planula larva.

以老熟幼虫在土中结茧越冬。Its mature larva makes cocoon under the earth during the winter.

幼虫变为蝶蛹,再变成蝴蝶。A larva metamorphoses into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly.

幼虫共8龄,每头幼虫取食针叶60根左右。The larva has 8 instars, and one larva feeds on about 60 needles.

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目的确定家蝇幼虫血淋巴的抗病毒作用。To define the antiviral activity of M. domestica larva hemolymph.

食性以底栖动物、水生昆虫以及鱼类幼体为主。The fish feed on benthos, larva of aquatic insect and other fishes.

一开始,在它们的微小的幼虫体内带着一个甚至更为微小的海鞘。It starts out as a small larva with an even smaller starfish inside.