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阿什杜德是靠近加沙的一个以色列港口。Ashdod is an Israeli port near Gaza.

以色列的国歌不就是那样的小调吗Isn't that the Israeli national anthem?

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这是一段以色列拒绝和平的时期。This was the period of Israeli rejection.

我们将与以色列方面分享成果。We will share this with the Israeli side.

以色列地面部队到达利塔尼河。Israeli ground troops reach the Litani River.

在这件事上,以色列政府更为强硬。On this the Israeli government is less pliable.

以色列军队登船后发生了什么?What happened once Israeli forces got on board?

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我很少反对以色列和以色列队这几天。I seldom oppose Israel and Israeli teams these days.

但是后来以色列攻击加沙,导致这一努力失败。But efforts collapsed with the Israeli attack on Gaza.

你是说以色列的行为激怒了这个地区?You're saying Israeli actions are inflaming the region.

以色列政府也拒绝停战的建议。The Israeli government also rejected the truce proposal.

阿密特•戈弗是以色列人,工程师,他太清楚这一切了。Amit Goffer, an Israeli engineer, knows this all too well.

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以色列邻居也会从巴勒斯坦的发展中获益。And the Israeli neighbourhood would benefit, " says Bitan.

而以色列官员不同意这样的说法,认为弗里德曼对艾希曼落网并没有什么贡献。Israeli officials disagreed, giving Mr. Friedman no credit.

以色列轰炸机轰炸了黎巴嫩南部的一个港口城市。Israeli warplanes bombarded a port city in southern Lebanon.

盖达马克目前在以色列,法庭对他进行缺席审判。Damak covered in the Israeli court for his trial in absentia.

以色列男孩去的亚实基伦,2009年1月4日的住房。Israeli boy goes to the shelter in Ashkelon, January 4, 2009.

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以色列军队,坦克和武装直升飞机都被派出。Israeli troops, tanks, and helicopter gunships were deployed.

以色列袭击伊朗核设施后,石油价格飞涨。Oil prices skyrocket following Israeli raid on Iranian nukes.

智利和以色列的抗议也是美国的运动提前了。The Chilean and Israeli protests also predate the US campaign.