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窃贼偷了一些家庭的祖传遗产。The burglar steal some family heirloom.

这块玉佩是咱们家的传家宝。This jade pendant is our family heirloom.

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禁用的传家宝交流时,你没有任何的传家宝。Disable heirloom exchange when you don't have any heirlooms.

但对我然而言,这只是小小的船形肉卤盘绝不只是是一件传家之宝。But that little gravy boat is much more than an heirloom to me.

这样一届一届传下去,就成了“传家宝”了。It was passed down one games despite other it bearrived an "Heirloom".

这样一届一届传下去,就成了“传家宝”了。It was passed down one game after another and it has become an heirloom.

它本来是一个普通花瓶,为了装门面,她却说它是一件传家宝。It was an ordinary vase, but to save appearances , she said it was a family heirloom.

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这是另一个原因,真正的天珠传家宝很少出现在市场。This is another reason that authentic heirloom dZi are seldom seen in the marketplace.

今年,她计划种她们家祖传的稀有蔬菜,在店里是买不到的。This year, she's planning to plant rare heirloom vegetables that you can't get in the store.

乔安娜·勒曼和罗珊·阿黛的农场里的五种番茄看起来都很美味。THE five kinds of heirloom tomatoes on Joanna Lehrman's and Roxanne Adair's farm look delicious.

对这种代表著一段失败婚姻的戒指,人们肯定不会当作传家宝将它传下去。A ring from a failed marriage is not the sort of thing one wants to pass down as a family heirloom.

例如,祖传番茄太脆弱而不能用船运送,所以商店货架上常常缺乏。Heirloom tomatoes, for example, are too delicate to be shipped and are often absent from store shelves.

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传家宝番茄种子已经在种植,并且种植年龄超过50岁。Heirloom tomato seeds have been passed down by farmers through the generations and are 50 years or older.

因为世界上现在的问题不应该像传家宝那样在人类家族中流传下去。Are you ready to make the match?Because the world's problems shouldn't be the human family's heirloom. Thank you.

他说他希望这件"传家宝"--一本仍旧崭新的副本能物归原主.He said he was hopeful the "heirloom", a mint condition copy of Action Comics No 1, would be returned to his family.

有机紫Kculli玉米,非转基因玉米菌株传家宝,是可持续在秘鲁的沿海平原种植。The organic Purple Kculli Corn, a non-GMO heirloom strain of corn, is sustainably grown in the coastal plains of Peru.

大多数的传家宝烟草和旧世界的经典品种含有足够的天然蔗糖酯自然治愈。Most heirloom tobaccos and old world classic varieties contain more than enough natural sucrose ester to cure naturally.

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相反,她可能会像对待自己的人生或阿瑟顿花园一样,伺机使用各种元素,从祖传番茄到有髯鸢尾无一不用。as she does her life, or her garden in Atherton, stuffed at various times with everything from heirloom tomatoes to bearded irises.

种一些祖传的家常蔬果,可以保存各种各样色味俱佳而又少见的蔬果品种。You can grow heirloom fruits and veggies and help preserve our heritage and the great flavors and colors of these lesser known varieties.

戴着她的财宝,她的金线纱丽以及无价传家宝头饰,印度的娜佳维在她的结婚日和家人坐在一起。Wearing her fortune, from gold threads in her sari to a priceless heirloom headpiece, Nagavi sits with family on her wedding day in India.