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她坐在大椅子上感觉很不舒服。She felt comfortless in the big chair.

他们给我们带来的消息没有安慰我们。They brought comfortless news to all of us.

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瓢泼的雨水开始从漆黑不安的天上落下来。Rain began to pour down from a black and comfortless sky.

像一头丢失小牛的母牛那样缺乏安慰。Comfortless as a mother cow whose calf has wandered far away.

他从一个混乱而无安慰的家庭逃到一个富有而又受人尊敬的家庭。He escape from a disorderly, comfortless home into a wealthy, respectable one.

他从一个混乱而无安慰的家庭逃到一个富有而又受人尊敬的家庭。He escaped from a disorderly, comfortless home into a wealthy, respectable one.

无疑地,这种想法对于那些在生命中还没有成就的人来说是不舒服的。No doubt this thought may seem comfortless to one who has not made a success of his life.

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让我们,我求求你,把这个孤儿,导致城市道路预留繁荣朦胧。Let us, I beseech you, turn aside from this comfortless road leading to the City of Prosperous Obscurity.

我不会撇下你们为孤儿,我会到来参与你每日的活动,参与你每日为他人的服务活动。I will not leave thee comfortless , but will come and enjoin thee in thy daily activities, thy daily service.

即使这些状况不发生,诸行令人不舒服的本质会变得比任何时候都明显。Even if these states do not arise, the comfortless nature of the formations will become more evident than ever.

世上充满了需要安慰的人,可是如果你要作一个安慰使者,你自己必须受过训练,否则不足胜任。The world is full of comfortless hearts, and ere thou art sufficient for this lofty ministry, thou must be trained.

下午三点钟,我离开贫民院的厨房,回到收容站,越发感觉食堂里拥挤不堪,乏味和烦闷得让人崩溃。At three I left the workhouse kitchen and went back to the spike. The, boredom in that crowded, comfortless room was now unbearable.

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本论文对寒冷地区河北省邯郸市的农村住宅进行了研究,希望找到解决大部分邯郸农村住宅舒适度较差的问题。Rural housings were analyzed in Handan, Hebei province, which locates in cold region, hoping to solve the comfortless problem of some rural housings.

他们知道自己没有什么出路,只能在这磨人的条凳上坐上十个小时而动弹不得,如果说他们会想到什么,那也无非是哀叹命运的不幸或者渴望能有份工可作。Fixed for ten hours on a comfortless bench, they know no way of occupying themselves, and if they think at all it is to whimper about hard luck and pine for work.

前几天生病,觉得非常不舒服。不过星期四就差不多都好了,开始上班了,除了有一点晕晕的。I don't know if u received my note. several days ago i were taken ill, felt comfortless very much. but about thursday i had almost gotten well. on thursday i started to work, besides a little faint.