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我们必须认识路线。Following our spray baths, we must cognize the route.

人类通过其他具体概念来认知时间这一抽象概念。We cognize the abstract idea of time by concrete concepts.

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同时,不同的人对于交流的认识也是不同的。At the same time, different people cognize the communicating is not similarly.

在目前司法实践中,对贪污贿赂罪几种主体类型的准确认定非常重要。In the practice of justice, it is very important to correctly cognize the main bodies of the crimes.

记忆是对新信息进行储存和回忆的能力,是人类认知和适应日常生活的基础。Memory is an ability to store and recollection new information, which is important for cognize and accommodate.

在司法实践中,只有充分认识洗钱罪的特征,才能正确认定本罪。Only when we fully understand the characteristic of the crime, can we correctly cognize it in judicial practice.

如何认定“非法占有”,既是一个值得学术理论界进行深入探讨的问题,又是一个司法实践中急待寻求解决的问题。The question on how to cognize "illegal appropriation" is worthy of making a further discussion in the science theory field.

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只有具备抽象思维的能力,才能将事物、画面认识得更为本质、深刻。Only we obtain the capacity of abstractive thinking, can we cognize the objection and the painting more essentially and deeply.

人类越是进化,人类原来的认知能力就越是相对地丢失,或被掩盖起来。The mankind are more evolutions , mankind originally of cognize ability and then more relatively throw to lose, or is cover up.

因而非嵌入编码知识是认识过程的必由之路,是一种只存在于思维中的抽象或理想状况。Therefore the explicit knowledge is the only way to cognize the universe, which is an abstract or ideal state in human thinking.

“多元合一”作为一种哲学范畴,对于人类认识世界、改造世界有重要的价值和作用。The multi-variant uniting as one as a philosophical category, is of significance for human being to cognize and change the world.

在服务器端相应地建立这些参数的认知方法,进而实现基于语义认知的网络科技信息资源定位和导航。Correspondingly, the server is designed to cognize the parameters in order to locate and navigate the resources by semanteme cognition.

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青少年往往不能完全地认识世界,而且他们很容易因为事情发展出乎意料而变得冲动。Teenagers can't cognize the world well and they are always earlier to get impetuous when things go opposite of what they suppose to be.

标志性建筑是组织城市空间的框架,城市意象是人们对城市空间认知的心理图式。The landmark building organize the city space, and the image of city is a psychological scheme in the mind when people cognize the city space.

说明唯心主义认知观在癔症的形成中有不可忽视的作用。To find the mechanism of hysteria from a new means and explain the cognize of mentalism playing an important role at the etiology of hysteria.

研究房改十年以来我国住房保障的发展过程,对于正确认知其未来的发展方向具有重要的意义。The study of the developmental process of Chinese housing indemnification has great significance to cognize the future direction of it correctly.

本文研究对象为后者,即选取广告语篇加以分析,在达到对该类语篇语言理性认识目的的同时,也丰富功能理论在实践语言认知方面的知识体系。The object of my research is the latter, namely, to analyze the ad text in order to cognize the language in this kind of text rationally and enri.

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其实,80一代的生存境况、文化背景和认知差异、价值取向等何其众多,甚至是绝对的、无法通约的差异。In fact, the living condition, the cultural background, the cognize diversity and the value judgment is absolutely different for the 80s generation.

为学生借助于他们熟知的英语元音,采用严式音标注音的方法来学习日语语音提供一条较为科学的途径。It is proposed that this new method can enhance students to cognize Japanese vowels with the help of narrow transcription as well as English vowels.

研究和对比英汉语数词的“言外之意”,有助于对英汉语的认知与解码。So, it is helpful to cognize and decode the English and Chinese languages by research and contrast of implications of numerals in English and Chinese.