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应当怎样对待毒草?How to treat the poisonous?

雄性鸭嘴兽有毒。Male platypuses are poisonous.

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最毒的蘑菇是什么?Which is most poisonous fungus?

有些蛇长有毒牙。Some snakes have poisonous fangs.

果荚和种子都是有毒的。Fruit pods and seeds are poisonous.

你在抛弃有毒货物。You are jettisoning poisonous cargo.

他吃了毒蘑菇死了。He ate poisonous mush-rooms and died.

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作为政策,这些陈腐观念将极具毒害性。As policy, these notions are poisonous.

蝎,节肢动物纲毒虫。Scorpion is arthropod poisonous insect.

萤火虫的幼虫是有毒的掠食者。Glow-worm larvae are poisonous predators.

老鼠悄悄走到毒饵跟前。The mouse crept up on the poisonous bait.

育亨宾是一种带有毒性的生物碱。Yohimbine is a kind of poisonous alkaloid.

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伞菌在俚语中通常被称为“有毒的蘑菇”。Toadstool is slang for "poisonous mushroom".

尼古丁是无色有毒生物碱。Nicotine is a colorless , poisonous alkaloid.

我刚咬破自己的舌头“我们有毒吗?”I've Just Bitten My Tongue "Are we poisonous?"

甚者可发生脓毒败血症。May have the pus poisonous septicaemia really.

爱情就像一朵罂粟花。美丽,但却很毒…Love just like a somnus, beautiful but poisonous.

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所有的茄属植物都有毒吗?Are all plants in the nightshade family poisonous?

许多人相信猩猩木是有毒的。Many people believe that poinsettias are poisonous.

小心,这是世界上最毒的一种蛇。It is one of the most poisonous snakes in the world.