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堂吉诃德富有理想主义精神和骑士精神,却被认为是疯狂的。Although the idealistic and chivalric Don Quixote is thought to be mad.

骑士文学是中世纪世俗文学的主要成就。Chivalric Literature is a major achievement of medieval secular literature.

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我虽然是女孩,不过非常喜欢看武侠小说。I although am the girl, but extremely likes reading the chivalric fiction novel.

侠义精神乃人类善良天性的一个重要方面。Chivalric spirit is one of the important respects of the kind nature of human being.

金庸武侠小说一经和电视这种大众媒介相结合,就创造出一个电视界的神话。But as Jin Yong's chivalric novels combined with the TV, a myth was created in TV field.

武侠小说受传统范式的影响有其特定的规定性。Chivalric novels are subject to the internal influence of traditional fictional paradigms.

这天晚上,他在钮扣眼里别上一枝小小的红玫瑰花,好象骑士在战争中佩戴的徽章。That evening he wore, like a chivalric BADGE of battle, a small red rose in his button-hole.

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旅馆内的骑士餐馆装潢极为粗糙,厅堂里放有盔甲。The chivalric cafeteria decorate inside hotel is very coarse, put in hall hall have armature.

因主人爱花,也可能是喜欢武侠小说,因而为名。It is named flowers because the host loves flowers, maybe also he loves Chivalric fiction novels.

金庸武侠电视剧经过30多年的发展,成为一个成功的通俗电视剧品牌。Jin Yong's chivalric TV drama has developed for more than 30 years and became a successful popular art.

本文主要考述了现存的凌氵蒙初戏曲小说中侠义作品的渊源。This paper mainly investigates the origin of the chivalric works among the extant opera novels by Ling Mengchu.

中世纪西欧城市文学对女性爱情的表现受到了教会文学和骑士爱情的双重影响。Urban literature was influenced by church literature and chivalric literature on the representation of female's love.

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当时人们用"Romans"语言来写包括骑士时代或宫廷式爱情故事在内的各种流行小说,而这些故事后来就被称为romances了。"Romans" were used to write popular stories involving chivalric or courtly love, and such tales became known as romances.

这使他们在文学创作中借鉴了宗教文学的创作方法。Furthermore, they adapted the writing skills of religious literature to their own creation and presented more general Chivalric spirit.

小说中的主要人物是唐。吉诃德,他是一个穷乡绅,他读了许多骑士冒险小说,他的同伴叫桑丘。潘莎。The main characters were Don Quixote , a poor county gentleman who has read too many chivalric romances. His companion was Sancho Panza.

在英国的勋章制度里面,一种武士勋章也在1818年创立,也是以这两位圣人命名,即圣米迦勒与圣乔治勋章。In the British honours system, a chivalric order founded in 1818 is also named for these two saints, the Order of St Michael and St George.

宗教思想和故事开阔了文人的眼界,影响了文人的创作。The religious ideas and stories broadened their outlook and influenced their writing in Chivalric Novels with more options in subjects and characters.

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这些“修正”使得古龙小说保持了“武侠小说”的基本性质,却也说明了古龙的创新思维隐藏着危机。These revisions keep Gu Long's novels as the basic nature of the chivalric novels, and also indicate crisis in the innovative thought of Gu Long's novel.

以狮心王理查为代表的中世纪骑士的英勇品质对近代以来英国绅士风度的形成以及公民的人格品质产生了深远的影响。Chivalric prowess of the medieval knights represented by Richard Lionheart had the profound influence on the gentility of the United Kingdom and citizen's characters.

武侠小说是中国古典小说的重要类型之一,长久以来其价值与影响均受到学界的重视。The classical chivalric novel is one of the important types of Chinese classical novels, which has been paid important attention to in its value and impact by academics.