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我想做的类似密码机这样的东西。I wanted to do crypto and stuff like that.

输入加密密钥的名称,WS-enc-receiver-privatekey。Enter Name for the crypto key, WS-enc-receiver-privatekey

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这份加密产品定单将在2010年夏天交付。The ordered crypto products will be delivered by summer 2010.

您可以使用同一种方法来帮助解决密码问题。You could use the same approach to help solve Crypto problems.

所以通常,这两个都是,加密技术的例子。So in general, both of these are examples of what we call secret key crypto.

在这样一种从潜在的全知型的空间中,密码—反叛渴望真正的匿名。In such a climate of potential omniscience, the crypto -rebels yearn for true anonymity.

妥善利用强捍的加密系统是少数几个可行方法之一。Properly implemented strong crypto systems are one of the few things that you can rely on.

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在世界上最脆弱的平台上使用最好的加密也不会给您带来多少安全性。Using the best available crypto on the weakest platform on the planet won't buy you much security!

提出了一种基于可编程密码模块的密码服务器体系结构。A cryptographic co-server architecture based on the programmable secure crypto modules is presented.

验证选择了刚刚上载的公钥的配置加密认证的文件名称。Verify the file name for the Configure Crypto Certificate for the public key just uploaded is selected.

该加密解决方案将用于保护瑞典公共安全网络——Rakel网免遭窃听。The crypto solution will be used to protect calls from eavesdropping in Rakel, the Swedish Public Safety Network.

受感染者或使用尿布的儿童都能将隐孢子虫带到泳池内。Crypto causes a diarrheal illness and may rinse off the bodies of infected people or diapered children into the pool.

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每条消息都在自己的加密信封中传输,加密信封包含发送者的负载和身份。Each message is transported in its own crypto envelope, which includes both the payload and the identity of the sender.

Sectra的战术无线电语音加密技术可以保护野外车辆和部队之间的无线电通讯不被窃听。Sectra’s voice crypto for tactical radio protects radio communications between vehicles and troops in the field from eavesdropping.

该加密功能集成在一张类似SIM卡的手机卡使用,并且插入在已经使用Rakel网的终端。The crypto feature is integrated in a card similar to the SIM cards used in mobile phones and is inserted into terminals already used in Rakel.

这阻止必须将加密材料储存在设备的文件系统中,因为加密材料可以在获取时缓存在内存中。This prevents the crypto material from having to be stored on the appliance’s file system, as the material will be cached in memory upon retrieval.

Wiggs建议把加密密钥或其他敏感数据保存在字节数组中,那样能够在不需要的时候就会被重写为零。Wiggs suggests keeping crypto keys or other sensitive data in byte arrays which should be overwritten with zero as soon as they are no longer used.

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通过使用多线程技术,使TSS可以充分调度密码服务器中密码模块上的多个密码芯片的运算功能,从而支持并行产生时间戳签名操作。By using multi-threading, TSS can schedule system resources to support parallel time stamping among crypto chips in crypto modules of the co-server.

瑞典国防装备管理局已经授予Sectra公司一份安全加密战术无线电的额外订单。GMT, January 21, 2010 FMV, the Swedish Defense Materiel Administration, has placed an additional order for Sectra’s crypto for secure tactical radio.

使用加密算法的保密性由这样一个事实保证,即生成与哈希值匹配的明文在计算上是不可行的。The encryption using crypto algorithms is ensured by the fact that it is computationally infeasible to generate plaintext that matches the hash value.