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长右狗腿上斜四杆洞,果岭升起左。Upslope long Par 4, dogleg right, elevated green.

上坡雾通常是密集,并延伸到高海拔地区。Upslope fog is usually dense, and extends to high altitudes.

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当我快接近五十岁的时候,我发现我又怀孕了,临产期当然还是在一月份。When I was on the upslope to fifty, I found that I was pregnant again.

坡上不远处有三个覆盖着青苔的圆石,下面有一个洞。Not far upslope were three rounded boulders, lichen-covered, with a hole beneath.

但他只看到森林,很多粗皮的大橡树在上坡。He saw nothing but forest, trees running upslope , mighty oaks, broad of girth and rough-barked.

日出后对流边界层的发展和上坡风的侵蚀使逆温和冷湖不断被破坏,最终消失。After sunrise the convective boundary layer begins to grow up with upslope wind to develop in CBL.

对新研制的一种上升外特性送丝电机调速控制系统进行了理论分析和试验。In this paper, A newly developed wire feeder control system with upslope output characteristic has been discussed and tested.

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本实用新型是一种强化全身运动的自行车,而且骑上坡时能防止下滑。The utility model is the bicycle for strengthening full body motion, and can prevent slide at the time of riding for upslope.

应用自行研制的“多坡段固相材料火蔓延实验台”,模拟森林地表火的蔓延过程,对变坡度情况下森林地表上坡火行为规律进行了实验研究。In this paper, a solid phase material fire experimental bed, which has more slope segments, has been used to simulate upslope forest surface fire.

下坡路,不费工夫,别人已经帮你铺路,但我选择上坡,因为我取名叫自负。Going downslope, is not time-consuming, other people have helped you to fix the road, but I choose to go upslope , because my name is called proud.

当初始含水量较低时,入渗主要受控于基质势梯度的作用,上方来水对入渗几乎没有影响。Infiltration mostly depended on matric potential gradient and the effect of upslope runoff could be omitted, when initial water content was very low.

一个新的研究表明它们飞得很快并全靠自己产生的气流,没有那预想中的上升气流帮它们提升到天空般的高度。A new study shows that they do it quickly and under their own steam, without the help of upslope tailwinds thought to loft them over the sky-high peaks.