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有的人,祖国使她饱经灾难。One, inured to misfortune by her fatherland.

他们想要夺走我们美丽的国家Who are trying to take over our beautiful fatherland.

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过去我们没有祖国,也不可能有个祖国。In the past we had no fatherland , nor could we have had one.

他们正在做他们能做的一切来帮助祖国。They were doing everything they could to help the fatherland.

到了一九四五年,即癌症已经扩散到了祖国各地。By 1945 that cancer had metastasized all through the Fatherland.

那些人不仅向他们的祖国贡献金钱,而且还贡献生命。Those men poured forth not only money but also life for the fatherland.

俗话说祖国是家,如今有家却不能回。The fatherland is our family, but now many students abroad cannot go back.

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你们愿意看到我们的社会主义祖国被打败并失去它的独立吗?。Do you want our socialist fatherland to be beaten and to lose its independence?

你一定要热爱那些,能为祖国增添光荣和辉煌的事物You must love everything that contributes to the glory and honour of the fatherland.

法西斯主义呼唤他们,他们说他们会想念他们祖国的部长。Jesus man. The fascists called, they said they're missing their Minister of the Fatherland.

“我们为祖国歌唱”,这个他在30年前写的剧,在他最初的政治公演中还受到责骂。"We Shall Sing for the Fatherland", a play he wrote 30 years ago, was once rated among his least political.

他摘下这朵玫瑰,把它夹在一本书里,然后把它带到世界的另一部分--他的辽远的祖国里来。He plucked the rose and placed it in a book, and carried it away into a distant part of the world, his fatherland.

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如果移民们对祖国和主导文化产生伤感就太好了,但这可能吗?It would be nice if immigrants developed a sentimental attachment to the Fatherland and its Leitkultur, but is it necessary?

朝鲜人民军已经做好准备不惜一切代价捍卫他们深爱的领导人和社会主义祖国的尊严。The menand women of the Korean People's army are prepared to defend the dignity oftheir beloved leader and socialist fatherland at any cost.

人们通过英语,可以向世界介绍我们的国家,也可以学习先进国家的科技,更好地为祖国服务。We can make our country wellknown via english, and also to serve our fatherland well by learning the science and technology of advanced counties.

北韩和平统一祖国委员会说,如此反对北韩的评论,是一个「不容原谅的挑衅」。The North Korea Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland said that the comment was an "unpardonable provocation" against the North.

我和美国人民对你们的国民革命如何被出卖,你们的祖国如何向外国势力臣服表示深切的遗憾。And I have watched and the American people have watched with deep sorrow how your nationalist revolution was betrayed and how your fatherland fell under foreign domination.

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越南祖国阵线愿同中国全国政协加强交流合作,为越中关系发展做出新的贡献。He said that China's CPPCC is willing to enhance exchanges and cooperation with the Vietnam Fatherland Front to make new contributions to the development of bilateral ties.