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我们已经听厌了他的牢骚怪话。We are fed up with his grumbling.

这老太太总是嘀嘀咕咕。The old lady was forever grumbling.

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他们去鸣不平的放弃原主张小山。They went grumbling back down the hill.

这老傢伙真他妈的讨厌!一天到晚抱怨个没完!What a naffing old man! Grumbling day and night.

这一类抱怨,大多来自下级官员。Such grumbling has mostly come from junior officials.

执行者漫步抱怨并且显示他的饭盒空。Performer strolls out grumbling and shows his lunchbox empty.

一些员工对于新的病假制度抱怨连连。Some staff members grumbling about the new sick-leave policy.

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这激起了在民主党左翼人士间的不满。That provoked grumbling among the left wing of the Democrats.

她花了整个下午的时间在埋怨她的婆婆。She spent a whole afternoon grumbling about her mother-in-law.

当美国证交委施加这些限制时,曾引起很多怨言。There was much grumbling when the SEC imposed these conditions.

纳税人又像往常一样抱怨政府浪费钱财。Taxpayers are grumbling about the waste of government money,as usual.

马来西亚人的怨声载道,会像印度尼西亚喀拉喀托火山般最终爆发吗?Will the Krakatau of the Malaysian rumbling and grumbling finally erupt?

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一名团员模仿婴儿发出噪音,吓跑动物。One of them was grumbling about potential baby noises scaring off the animals.

同时,由于爱发号施令的倾向,处女也会变成一个怨言不断令人厌烦的人。Virgo can also be a grumbling and tiresome person with dictatorial propensity.

即使是在欧洲富裕的国家和美国,消费者也在抱怨粮价。Consumers are grumbling even in the wealthy nations of Europe and the United States.

我们听到一阵不祥的呜呜声,接着那条大狗如释重负般放了个屁。We hear a sinister GRUMBLING and then a small EXPLOSION as the dog unburdens himself.

对工作的方方面面、尤其是用户抱怨不停是一件和你容易做到的事情。Grumbling about various aspects of our jobs, especially our users, is all too easy to do.

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这「白内障」会使我们视力模糊,只看得到会众的冥顽不灵。Cataracts can blur our vision so that we see only a congregation's grumbling stubbornness.

它满腹怨言的喃喃抱怨着,缓缓的消失在水面下,只留下了一堆汩汩做响的泡沫。Grumbling to himself, he slid back under the surface, leaving only gurgling bubbles behind.

明早你们要看见上主的荣耀,因为你们抱怨上主的话,他已听见了。And in the morning you will see the glory of the LORD, as he heeds your grumbling against him.