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一只沐浴在曙暮辉中来自法国南部的蝴蝶。Butterfly from south of France with a crepuscular rays.

今日黄昏奇遇,见有两人呕吐。Crepuscular now adventure, see have two people vomiting.

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这和散步没有任何关系,这叫黄昏漫步。It has nothing to do with walk , this is called a crepuscular walk.

这和散步没有任何关系,这个散步叫做黄昏漫步。It has not anything to do with this walk, this is called a crepuscular walk.

隧道的末端是一个圆形建筑,它巨大的外形和朦胧的光亮让杰克觉得迷乱。It terminated in a rotunda, whose enormity and crepuscular illumination Jack found disorienting.

这儿否则巴黎,否则康尼岛游乐场,这是欧洲和中美洲所有都市中尚未开化的大杂烩。It is not Coney Isearth. It is a crepuscular melange of all the cities of Europe and Central America.

这道光看起来不像其它较为典型的异常光,包括曙幕辉、反云隙光和光环。The glow appeared unlike other unusual lights more typically seen, including crepuscular rays, anticrepuscular rays and the glory.

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为了理解发生的事情,让我们从白天时阳光穿过云隙所形成的平常云隙光开始吧。To understand them, start by picturing common crepuscular rays that are seen any time that sunlight pours though scattered clouds.

终于有一天黄昏,窗帘打开了,女人喝醉了酒,赤着脚坐在阳台的地板上。Eventually one day crepuscular , the curtain was opened, the woman is malty wine, bare is worn on the floor that the foot takes in the balcony.

龙猫是喜欢黄昏活动,而且通常不喜欢在白天受到干扰,这可能使他们不太有利作为宠物的一些人。Chinchillas are crepuscular and typically do not like to be disturbed during the day, which may make them less favorable as pets to some people.

上图即是反云隙光现象,如想了解它的成因,先从黄昏时分阳光透过云彩的缝隙放射出普通的云隙光线开始。Pictured above are anticrepuscular rays. To understand them, start by picturing common crepuscular rays that are seen any time that sunlight pours though scattered clouds.

而到了夜晚,有客人来时可以让整体照明发挥作用,没有客人时便可运用细节照明独自享受微光的美妙。And arrived night, integral illume can let produce effect when the guest comes, detail illume can be applied to be enjoyed alone when doing not have a guest crepuscular wonderful.

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在被称为曙暮辉的太阳光线的照射下,它们实际上是由靠近遥远的西方地平线的云层产生的阴影,此时落日在云层的正后方渐渐隐去。Outlined by rays of sunlight known as crepuscular rays, they are actually shadows cast by clouds near the distant western horizon, the setting Sun having disappeared from direct view behind them.