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我只用提款卡。I use debit card only.

考虑预付费的银行借记卡。Consider pre-paid debit cards.

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此款应记入谁的账户的借方?To whom shall I debit this sum?

“借方”的缩写是“Dr.”。The abbreviation for debit is Dr.

共计所有的帐上借方余额。The total of debit balance of all.

考虑是否能在海外的提款机上使用你的银行卡。The overseas ATM and your debit card.

我们以直接借记方式支付所有账单。We pay all our bills by direct debit.

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凭信用卡自助加油。Self-Serve Debit And Credit Card Only.

费用账户有借方余额。The account of withdrawals has debit balances.

比较借方和贷方余额是否相同。Comparing debit and credit balances for equality.

借记卡不具备透支功能。Debit cards do not possess the overdrawing function.

只需把借记卡塞入磁卡读卡器,叮!Just put your debit card into the mag-stripe reader.

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我通常喜欢用提款卡在网上购物。I prefer to use debit card when shop on the Internet.

不利方面是他们预测书价将要上涨。On the debit side they predict a rise in book prices.

借记卡的广泛应用,也促使了扒窃的消失。The widespread use of debit cards hasn't helped, either.

借方余额的总数应等于贷方余额的总数。The total of debit balances and credit balances should agree.

对借方余额和贷方余额是否相等的验证就叫做试算表。Equality of totals in the debit and credit sides of an account.

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银行从2月起已经取消了新客户的借记奖励。The bank eliminated debit rewards for new customers in February.

第十一条、本公司采用借贷复式记帐法。Article 11 The company employs the bookkeeping of debit and credit.

今天我取消了银行卡,因为上面印错了东西。Today, I cancelled my debit card because there was a misprint on it.