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钟楼岩石。Belfry rock.

我真的爱岩壁。I really love rock.

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石头砸死蜥蜴。Rock crushes lizard.

那是石桅岩啊。That is Shiwei Rock.

空气锤破岩分析。Rock broken analysis.

今天,你要动起来。Today, you will rock.

那块大石头是谁?Who is that big rock?

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叫晒布岩。The Cloth-Drying Rock.

滴水可以穿石。Water wears away rock.

你喜欢摇滚乐吗?Do you like rock music?

大岩组成!Great rock composition!

我也很喜欢摇滚音乐。I also like rock music.

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我爬上了那块岩石。I scrambled up the rock.

它的意思是鹰腿石。It means Eagle leg rock.

这是一首庞克摇滚歌曲。This is a punk rock song.

运石头车服务工厂。Rock handler service shop.

大石?半岛抑是岛?Rock? peninsula or island?

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鹰角石什么意思?What does Eagle Rock mean?

谁搬得动这块大石头?Who can move the big rock?

只有你和岩壁。It's you and the rock face.