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同样,在机票上也要显示出MCO号码。MCO number should also be indicated on PAX airfare ticket.

QPX在北美的机票价格搜索和定价方面是市场的领导者。QPX is a market leader in airfare shopping and pricing, especially in North America.

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因为专家认为,随着需求的增加,航空公司可能将逐渐抬升票价。As demand increases, airlines are likely to gradually raise airfare rates, experts say.

要知道,机票在某几个月是相当便宜的,酒店价格和都市夜生活等一系列东西也是如此。Understand that airfare is always cheaper in certain months, as are hotel rates and nightlife packages.

网站依赖ITA的QPX系统,对实时提醒服务相关的机票搜索进行处理。FareCompare relies on ITA’s QPX to handle airfare searches associated with its real-time alerts service.

他只是想离开新罕布什尔州,出来走走,有人付旅费,请他在会议上发言。He just wanted to get out of New Hampshire for a bit and was offered airfare to speak at the conference.

其中最好的方法就是通过掌握机票周期和寻找第二路线来节约机票钱。One great way to do this is becoming familiar with airfare cycles and alternate routes to save on tickets.

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尽管许多机构提供包你选择一个最适合你完美。So we have offers like favicon cheap international airfare to make your decision more easy and comfortable.

惠普为作者免费提供了为参加“惠普网络日”的机票和旅馆费用。Hewlett-Packard covered the airfare and hotel expenses for the author to attend the company's HP Networking Day.

杨增贤弟兄—一位缅甸客工因逾期逗留,必须缴付罚款及购买回国机票。Bro. Richard – A Burmese brother in Christ who overstayed in the country and in need of airfare and penalty payment.

这种半透明的打包产品包括捆绑入住酒店的费用和机票或者入住酒店的费用和租车费。Examples of this semi-transparent technique including bundling a hotel stay with airfare or a stay with a car rental.

如果你真的需要服务,那么最好和最便宜的廉价机票便宜趁空中飞行波兰。If you really need the best and the cheapest service then take advantage of air airfare cheap cheapest flight Poland.

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机场、火车站全天接送参会代表,为商务代表代订返程飞机票。The airport, railway stations throughout the day via their representatives, business representative for the return airfare.

坐火车去欧洲旅行,定一张最快的飞机票,如果有一个双肩包那就更好了。Get a Eurorail pass, book a last-minute airfare deal, and set your auto-response. If a backpack is involved, all the better.

的应用软件,使得iPhone用户能够对数百家航空公司的票价进行搜索、比较并购买机票。s application provides iPhone users the ability to search, compare and purchase airfare from hundreds of airlines.’s

包括住宿、餐饮、交通、观光、导游、机场税以及国际机票等费用。This includes the cost of accommodation, meals, transportation, sightseeing, guides, airport departure tax, and international airfare.

生日愿望是,以后买机票的时候不用担心价钱。此愿望一直有效至实现为止。My birthday wish is, to be free of concern for airfare from now on. This wish will apply to all the birthdays that follow until realized.

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这些花费在6月16日至8月31日期间,如果是四人组团,将比单独购买机票更划算。The cost, which is based on four people vacationing together between June 16 and Aug. 31 is less than it would be to buy the airfare alone.

迈阿密古巴裔美国人居住区里,专门从事包机和邮寄服务的公司星罗棋布。Cuban-American neighborhoods in Miami are dotted with specialized firms offering charter airfare and shipping services into Cuba. Decades of U.

在结构性情境方面,本研究针对航空运费的因素来分析航厦内旅客流量的变化。In the structure scenario, we modified the structure of airfare impact and add new structure to determine the flow of passenger in terminal building.