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这本书有庸俗旳味道。This book has plebeian tastes.

这本书有庸俗的味道。This book has plebeian tastes.

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尽管拥有雄心壮志,但他从来没有丢失他的草根气节。Although immensely ambitious, he would never lose touch with his plebeian roots.

他一整天都在海滩玩壁球,再没有比这更不入流的运动了。He spent all day playing rackets on the beach, a plebeian sport if there ever was one.

平民党领导人保罗和彼得正密谋推翻贵族。Paolo and Pietro, leaders of the plebeian party, conspire to overthrow the aristocracy.

明皇朝的开国皇帝明太祖朱元璋,是中国历史上唯一的平民皇帝。Thu Yuanzhang was the first emperor and the only plebeian emperor of the Chinese history.

对我母亲来说,任何一次午餐上的酒要是少于三种那就太不体面了。To my mother, any meal where you served less than three wines was disgracefully plebeian.

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唐代的平民教育具有通俗性、综合性、实用性的特点。The plebeian education in Tang dynasty is characterized by popularity, synthesis, and usefulness.

上周,年已81岁的卡拉扬在他萨尔斯堡的家中溘然长逝,不能不使得他身后的音乐界黯然失色。His death last week at his home near Salzburg at 81 left the world of music a paler, more plebeian place.

上周,年已81岁的卡拉扬在他萨尔斯堡的家中溘然长逝,不使得他身后的音乐界黯然失色。His death last week at his home near Salzburg at 81 left the world of music a paler, more plebeian place.

上周,年已81岁的卡拉扬在他萨尔斯堡的家中溘然长逝,不能不使得他身后的音乐界黯然失色。His death last week at his home near Salzburg at 81 left the world of music a paler, more plebeian place.

五四运动产生了平民主义思潮,在以后的革命中又转化为新民粹主义。The plebeian trend of thought, arising from the May Fourth Movement, turned into new populism in subsequent revolutions.

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从最普通的家鸽到最罕见的鸟类中,斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉,又叫做小蓝金刚鹦鹉,绝对是世界上最为濒危的鸟类。From the plebeian pigeon to the rarest bird of all. The Spix's macaw, or the little blue macaw, may be the most endangered bird in the world.

最后,对官吏昏聩和庶民狡黠的描写则反映出官民之间不同的司法智慧。Finally, the descriptions of the official doting and the plebeian canniness reflect the different judicial wisdom of the authorities and plebs.

从最普通的家鸽到最罕见的鸟类中,斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉,又叫做小蓝金刚鹦鹉,绝对是世界上最为濒危的鸟类。From the plebeian pigeon to the rarest bird of all. The Spix's macaw , or the little blue macaw , may be the most endangered bird in the world.

当然,拉丁词一般可以回溯到古典罗马时期,在当时的语境中,client是指得到贵族资助的庶民。Latin words of course usually originated back in Roman antiquity and in that context a client was a plebeian under the patronage of a patrician.

“高雅”的名字移到平民身上,村野的名字移到朱紫身上,那样的交流只能说是同等思想激荡的后果。This displacement, which places the "elegant" name on the plebeian and the rustic name on the aristocrat, is nothing else than an eddy of equality.

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而且,尽管禁止奢侈的法律不准平民等级效法这一类铺张,但是地位高或财富多的人,随时都可得到豁免。And were readily allowed to individuals dignified by rank or wealth even while sumptuary laws forbade these and similar extravagances to the plebeian order.

罗马共和时期设立了平民保民官,其在保护平民阶层利益方面发挥了重要作用,在现代社会仍然具有丰富的启示。The tribune plebeian in Roman Times plays a great role on the protection of interest of the civilian class, which takes on abundant inspiration in modern society.

马克思主义政体思想继承了西方传统中既强调政治制度,又强调社会结构的大政体观,其政体实践徘徊于巴黎公社式平民政体与苏联式精英政体之间。Marxist's thought on Form of Government carries on macro-politeia view in the Western political tradition, which practice wandered between the plebeian politeia and the elite's.