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纽约真热。It is hot in New York.

我们乘公共汽车到纽约去。We bussed to New York.

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他们乘公共汽车去纽约。They bused to New York.

船在纽约港靠码头。The ship docked at New York.

在纽约他是一个异乡人。He is a stranger in New York.

他现住纽约克莱顿。He lives in Clayton, New York.

哈特考夫现生活在纽约市。Hatkoff lives in New York City.

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我是一个纽约职业音乐家。I'm a working New York musician.

克尼什是个纽约传奇人物。Joey Knish is a New York legend.

纽约将同性婚姻合法化。New York legalizes gay marriage.

他们在纽约设立了总部。They head-quartered in New York.

他取道上海飞往纽约。He flew to New York via Shanghai.

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那里也比纽约干净。It's a lot cleaner than New York.

轮船已停泊在纽约港。The ship has berthed in New York.

他注明他的报道发自纽约。He datelines his reports New York.

现在,1985年,克丽丝汀在纽约I. Christiane. New York City, 1985

纽约是一座大的商业城市。New York is a big commercial city.

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纽约是一个人吃人的社会。New York is a dog-eat-dog society.

那么,一套纽约的公寓如何呢?So how about a New York apartment?

该航班始发于纽约。The flight originated in New York.