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冬日假期往往填补我们的喜悦。Wintery holidays often fill us with joy.

在如冬的地方外的水晶过道上,找到一个隐藏地点。Get to a hard-to-reach spot in a wintery place outside Crystal Path.

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没有想过我曾经感觉阳光照耀穿过我如冬的世界。Never thought I'd ever feel the sunlight shining through my wintery sky.

那是我们生命一开始直到协会非常寒冷潮湿,冬日一天。That was until Elsa came into our lives one very cold , wet , and wintery day.

天气终于变冷,感觉到冬天的气息了,几乎所有我认识的人都感冒。It's finally cold and wintery and almost everyone I know has a cold of some kind.

香肠和红菊苣的口味,很有冬天的感觉,想起来就让人全身暖了起来。Imagine sausage and radicchio together, it sounds very wintery and just thinking at it I started to feel warmer.

一顿美味的烘烤晚餐适合寒冷的冬天能让全家人饱餐一顿而且制作简单。A delicious meal perfect for a cold wintery day, a filling, hearty meal for the whole family that's not hard to prepare.

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我们因冬天的之旅做了内在治疗与心里追寻,而更能放开心胸,感受爱情的春天。Based on the inner healing and soul searching of our wintery journey, we are then able to open our hearts and feel the springtime of love.

光球在他们脑袋旁舞动,直到最后与罗恩的身体融为一体,使他充满了寒冬中令人感激的温暖。It danced a bit around their heads before finally merging into Ron's body, filling him with a warmth which was welcome in the wintery weather.

当夏日即将结束,冬天的气候环境使得骑行路线充满危险的时候,你可能会认为只有到了下年春天才能感受骑行的乐趣了。As summer draws to an end and wintery conditions take their toll on the trails, you may think that it's the end of riding fun 'til next spring.

这场风暴来势很猛,暴风雪和严寒天气警报已穿过俄亥俄和中西部从南方腹地向新英格兰迈进。The storm system is huge. Blizzard and wintery weather warnings now stretch from the Deep South through Ohio and Middle West and all the way up to main in New England.

日柱,摄于12月7日的早晨,密西根州阿勒甘地区.它是由地球大气层顶部冰晶体折射太阳光而形成的.A solar spike seen on the morning of December 7th in Allegan, Michigan. The sight id caused by wintery ice crystals in the Earth's upper atmosphere refracting light from the sun