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我到处坐坐。I sat around.

围着一个大圆桌?Around a big table?

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我向四周望了望。I looked all around.

这些画作流传了开来But these get around.

我最好到处走走。I better walk around.

别胡来!Stop farting around !

我可以带你到处走走。I can show you around.

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一条大鱼游过来了。A big fish swim around.

他在四周某地方。He is around somewhere.

大概在93年的时候我放弃了。I quit that around '93.

石头存在于我们的周围。Stone is all around us.

你可以带我到处走走。You can show me around.

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而你坐在一旁。You've just sat around.

它绕着罐子游来游去。He swims around his jar.

小马小马踢踢乐。Horse horse kick around.

这种情况一直都有而且普遍存在It's always been around.

我来领你们转转吧。Let me show you around.

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你可以四处看看。Look around if you like.

他们总是纠缠不清。They always come around.

Imeem能够扭转乾坤吗?Can Imeem turn it around?