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人类成了超验所指。Man has become the transcendental signified.

代数数多还是超越数多?。The algebraic number more or the transcendental number?

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是一个无理数,也是一个超越数。Is an irrational number , also is a transcendental number.

设R和S为两个超越椭圆黎曼曲面。Let R and S be transcendental elliptic Riemannian surfaces.

这来自奎师那的帮助时超然的快乐。This sort of help from Krishna is transcendental happiness.

实际的和实用的,否定了空想的和先验的东西。The practical and pragmatic gainsay the Utopian and transcendental.

在某种意义上,先验外在论是一个更强形式的学说。In one way, transcendental externalism is a stronger form of doctrine.

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很少人有如此超群出众的打动人心的才能。Few men have had such transcendental capacity to stir the heart of people.

“生活世界”在胡塞尔的现象学中只是通向先验现象学的两条通道之一。Life-world is only one of the two ways leading to the transcendental phenomenology.

你的作品何以表现出一种对于神秘性和超验景象的兴趣?Why do your works implicate your interest in mysterious and transcendental aspects?

研究先验感觉的所有原则的科学,我们称为“超验美学”。The science of all principles of apriori sensibility I call transcendental aesthetic.

人类科学面对了一个难局,因为他对于本身的中心概念是先验的。Human science face an impasse since their central concept of the self is transcendental.

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“二律背反”学说则是先验逻辑的精华所在。The theory of antinomy, however, is the most important part in the transcendental logic.

因此,先验哲学与想象力是内在相关的。Hence internality and intuition is the basically principals of transcendental philosophy.

还有一个城镇,位于爱荷华州东南,现在成了超觉静坐的大本营。Another town this one in south-east iowa has become a centre for transcendental meditation.

如何建构一个超越性的临终自我心理理论?。How to construct the transcendental self-psychological theory about terminally ill patient?

超然女神施瑞玛缇·茹阿达茹阿妮与主施瑞奎师那是密不可分的一对。The transcendental goddess Srimati Radharani is the direct counterpart of Lord Sri Krishna.

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康德的先验哲学属于一种特殊类型的“建构性”的基础主义。Kant's transcendental philosophy belongs to a special type of "constitutive" foundationalism.

采取自己走出这个寒冷,苛刻的世界,走上超越七巧板的冒险。Take yourself out of this cold, harsh world and embark on a transcendental tangram adventure.

因此,对话语所作的分析就无需参照先验主体。The analysis of discourse operates therefore without reference to the transcendental subject.