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你怎么会认识小白脸?How do you know a gigolo ?

工程师就像牛郎。Engineer is just like gigolo.

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牛郎即使不来,银河依旧闪烁。Gigolo even not come, Milky Way still flicker.

织女还给牛郎生了一儿一女。The woman of return to the gigolo borns a son a woman.

这个男人是一个职业男妓。This last man, it turns out, is a professional gigolo.

一名律师和一名舞男的区别是什么?Q. What's the difference between a lawyer and a gigolo?

那位女强人当着丈夫的面,公开有三位小白脸。That dragon lady have three gigolo under her husbands nose.

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你呀从现在开始,给我做三个月男妓来还债。From this day onwards, you have to be gigolo for three months.

你让我难过,你知道的,我只是个小白脸,总是漂泊不定。You sick of me and shit, I'm a gigolo so you know, I'm always on the go.

事后志华竟露出姑爷仔之面目,咏琪大受打击。After that Chi Wah exposes his actual face as a gigolo , Kei is hurt badly.

厄那斯托门戴,来自墨西哥城,他在纽约时代广场做男妓。ERNESTO MENDEZ from Mexico City works as a gigolo in Times Square New York.

你说话就像个小白脸。嘿小白脸,你最后的把戏是什么?对奶奶满意吗?Spoken like a GIGOLO. How was the last trick Gigolo. did you satisfy grandma?

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黑暗中,一个舞男纽约市的地下世界是残酷的,因为它是淫。The dark, underground world of a New York City gigolo is as cutthroat as it is kinky.

我们离婚三个月后,丽塔便嫁给了卡拉斯,如果这个世上曾有一个该死的舞男的话。Three months after we divorced, Rita married Carlos, a fucking gigolo if there ever was one.

在今年“阳光之舞电影节”上展出的轰动展会的影片“妈咪之死”中,他扮演一个假扮成男舞伴的联邦调查局的特工。In Die Mommie Die, a hit at this year's Sundance Film Festival, he played an FBI agent masquerading as a gigolo.

等一下我就让你这个只会偷珠宝的小白脸知道,什么叫社会的黑暗面。Wait for a while, i will let you, this gigolo only able to steal jewelry, to know what is the dark side of society.

农历七月初七,是中国民间传说中“牛郎织女”相会银河的日子。The seventh month of the lunar calendar month, is China's folk tales of "the gigolo knit" meet the day of the Milky Way.

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牛郎回家不见织女,急忙披上牛皮,担了两个小孩追去。The gigolo goes home to disappear the woman of , throwing on the leather quickly, load two childs makes track for to go to.

后来,老牛要死去的时候,叮嘱牛郎要把它的皮留下来,到急难时披上以求帮助。Afterwards, the old cow wants the time of the dying, giving repeated advice to the skin that gigolo want to stay it, arriving the dire circumstances throw on in order to help.