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我们补充袜子到抽屉里。We replenish the sock drawer.

我们需要添装食橱。We need to replenish the food cupboard.

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你知道我是无力补偿这些损失的。You know I am not able to replenish the losses.

让我给你杯子里再添点葡萄酒。Let me replenish your glass with some more wine.

涨满他两颊的血液,她看得愈是清晰。The more she saw the blood his cheeks replenish.

准备付款请款单以补充小额现金的资金。Prepare payment request to Replenish petty cash fund.

炉火要灭了,请赶快添点煤。The fire is going to go out,please replenish it at once.

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没有时间故地重游,去充实我们的精神世界。No time to re-visit these sites and replenish our spirits.

结合保湿因子,为肌肤注入保湿成份,水润肌肤不干燥。Moisture factor, replenish moisrures,let your skin not dry.

多吃高碳水化合物的食品,以补充你的能量Eat frequent high-carb meals to replenish your energy stores.

你的军队与军队补充新鲜,先让每一个行动。Replenish your army with fresh troops before you make each move.

政府正试图通过空投食品补充供应。The government is trying to replenish supplies by airlifting food.

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添置宠物的食物、木材、信纸、灯泡。Replenish one's stocks of pet food, timber, notepaper, light bulbs.

你的身体是在生存模式和需要食物来补充能量。Your body is in survival mode and needs food to replenish its energy.

有机金盏花,洋甘菊,白茶植物性协调和补充。Organic Calendula, Chamomile and White Tea botanicals harmonize and replenish.

她说,之后就将需要更多的资金来补充药品储存。After that, she says, more money will be needed to replenish the medicine stock.

有机金盏花,洋甘菊,白茶植物药协调和补充肌肤。Organic Calendula, Chamomile and White Tea botanicals harmonize and replenish skin.

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水是泵浦视需要补充和保持液位在反应器内。Water is pumped as needed to replenish and maintain the liquid level in the chamber.

您可以减少生产线停工的情况,并向生产线及时补充所需材料。You can reduce line stoppages and replenish needed materials to the production line.

而百特供给美国所需的天花疫苗,正是利用猴子细胞株制造的。And Baxter used the monkey cell line to replenish the U. S. supply of smallpox vaccine.