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发射的粒子数。Emit a number of particles.

你为什么发出那种尖叫声?Why did you emit that scream?

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太阳红红的,放射出五彩的光芒。Red sun, and emit colored light.

这是以前照的,现在发上来。This is old photo, emit to network isd now.

人工美黑仪发出的长波紫外线要强烈得多。Tanning parlors emit UVA rays far more intense ly.

它们会发出雌蛇的味道,把其他雄蛇从真正的雌蛇身边支开。They emit a female scent to draw other males away.

云发射的能量与其温度成正比。Clouds emit energy in proportion to their temperature.

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如果生命只有短暂的一昼夜,我要尽情吐露芬芳。If life lasted but a day I would emit all my fragrance.

如果生命只有短短的一昼夜,我要尽情吐露芬芳。If life lasted but a day, I would emit all my fragrance.

爱,能将熄灭的灯火,再次散发光与热。Love rekindles the fading fire to emit light and warmth.

数据事件被用于发出额外的数据信息。Data events are used to emit additional data information.

这些细菌排放的硫化氢气体是其分解过程的副产品。These bacteria emit hydrogen sulfide gas as a by-product.

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接著它们会自发性地放光而回到较低的能阶。They spontaneously emit light to return to a lower level.

鸽子脚上的竹哨子发出低低的嗡嗡声。Bamboo whistles attached to the birds' feet emit a low hum.

他们虽然地位卑微,但在艺术上却有他们自己的奇光异彩。Though low in status, they emit art brilliance of themselves.

当质子和电子重新组合,就看到了电子放出的红光。When the two rejoin, the electrons emit the red glow seen here.

传呼机蜂鸣噪声小塑料筒发射出一个安静的。Beepers are small plastic cones that emit a quiet beeping noise.

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正如您所看到的,大多数命令都会产生某类输出。As you've seen, most commands emit output of one kind or another.

但是手机确实有辐射,手机辐射会引起癌变吗?But cellphones do emit radiation. Doesn’t radiation cause cancer?

低的暖云比高的冷云发射更多的热能。Low, warm clouds emit more thermal energy than high, cold clouds.