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这条信息深植于NSC团队研究中。That message was rooted in the NSC team's research.

将申请国科会出国补助,若未获补助则改以自费出国。Applying for grant from NSC. At self expense if not being granted.

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这项工程预计在2010年完工,新遮蔽物建好以后会沿着滑轨滑倒原先的掩体之上。After completion, forecast for 2010, the NSC will be slid on rails over the shelter.

大幅度的增加国科会补助,对我们维持所需研究人力是非常重要的。Significant increasing of NSC funding is of critical importance to support the needed manpower.

国务院、国防部、国家安全委员会都希望进行援助,因为泰国是我们在东南亚最早的盟友。State, Defense, and the NSC all wanted to do it because Thailand was our oldest ally in Southeast Asia.

分化后的细胞表达神经元细胞、胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞的特异性抗原。After these NSC differentiation, the mature cell differentiated into neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.

巴育将军说,国防部与NSC讨论了该问题,陆军对国防部表示了自己的关注。Gen Prayuth said the army has expressed its concerns with the Defence Ministry which discussed the issue with the NSC.

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其中,总统与其国安顾问之关系,以及国安会之功能强弱,使国安会呈现不同的运作模式。The different manipulations were based on the relationship between the president and NSC adviser and the functions of the NSC.

我把信带给巴拉克,花了很长时间和他一起讨论,常常就我们两个人,或者再加上国家安全委员会的记录员布鲁斯·莱代尔在场。I took the letter to Barak and spent a lot of time talking to him, often alone or with the NSC notetaker for Israel, Bruce Reidel.

他是职业中情局官员,在白宫国家安全委员会工作,为四任总统在中东和南亚问题上出谋划策。A career CIA officer, he has advised four presidents on Middle East and South Asian issues in the White House on the staff of the NSC.

在联合国的直升机运送受伤的波斯尼亚穆斯林斯雷布雷尼察希拉里。With U.N. choppers ferrying wounded Bosnian Muslims out of Srebrenica last week, Clinton summoned a full NSC meeting in the Oval Office.

方法用梯度离心和贴壁培养法分离MSC,进行表面分化抗原的鉴定。Methods Gradient centrifugation and adherent culture were used to get a great amount of NSC and then differentiation antigens were identified.

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当国科会有一个小时可以简要克林顿、湖泊有必要切割时间50分钟10分钟我,放弃对国内的员工。When the NSC had an hour to brief Clinton, Lake made a point of cutting the time to 50 minutes, ceding 10 precious minutes to the domestic staff.

碳氮比变化与碳含量关系密切,不同处理表现为穗肥施量越多,碳氮比上升越缓慢。Compare with different treatments, the more N applied, the more N content of organs, but NSC content was lower prophase and then increased 12 days before heading.

有关园区货品之进出口贸易业务管理办法,由国科会会商有关机关定之。Regulations governing the import and export trading affairs relating to the park goods shall be prescribed by the NSC in consultation with the authorities concerned.

通过此次合作,北京3721公司将通过与香港3721及其附属机构的技术合作,获得雅虎丰富的技术、产品和服务支持。As a further result of this purchase, Beijing 3721, through its technological cooperation with 3721 NSC and its affiliates, will have access to a broad range of Yahoo!

国家安全委员会与灰人达成了一项协议﹐灰人将不时把绑架名单提供给国家安全委员会。The National Security Council had established a "deal" with the Big-nosed Greys. The Greys would make sure that they would give a periodic list of abductees to the NSC.

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国家安全委员会的审查小组确信,亚当斯倾向于结束爱尔兰共和军的暴力行为,使新芬党全面参与和平进程,为北爱尔兰的未来建设一个民主政体。The NSC team became convinced that Adams favored an end to IRA violence, full participation by Sinn Fein in the peace process, and a democratic future for Northern Ireland.

记录显示在里根和布什执政的年份人口控制资金迅速增长,增幅较大,但那并非就意味着新的NSC方向。Records also show that funds for population control increased rapidly and dramatically during the Reagan and Bush years, but this did not necessarily indicate a new NSC direction.

根据这样的分析,国家安全委员会决定,我们应该准许发放给亚当斯的签证,因为这会增强亚当斯在新芬党和爱尔兰共和军内部的地位,并可以加强美国对他的影响力。Based on this analysis, the NSC determined that we should grant the visa, because it would boost Adams’s leverage within Sinn Fein and the IRA, while increasing American influence with him.