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我不知道你是个女运动员。I didn't know you were a sportswoman.

何雯娜,蹦床运动员,是我最喜欢的女运动员。He Wenna, a trampoline athlete, is my favorite sportswoman.

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我就是觉得一个女运动员会有一个好的前途。Also I thought a sportswoman would probably have a bright future.

玛丽娄被任命为运动员的年度体育画报。Mary Lou was named sportswoman of the year by Sports Illustrated.

在柔道比赛中获得第二名的女运动员拒绝领奖。The sportswoman who got the second place in judo refused to accept the medal.

一位名叫托比的女孩非常努力,后来成为队里最优秀的运动员。A girl athlete named Tobi worked very hard and became the best sportswoman in her team.

同样是在那一年的晚些时候,她又被选为荷兰年度运动员。Later that year, she earned the honor of being chosen as Dutch Sportswoman of the Year.

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无论你取得了多大的成就,都是有人在帮你---阿西娅。吉布森,美国女运动员。No matter what accomplishments you achieve, somebody helps you---Althea Gibson, American sportswoman.

邓文迪身高五英尺十英寸,是位多才多艺的运动员,在读高中的时候接受过排球的专业指导。At 5ft 10in, Wendi is an accomplished sportswoman and was coached in volleyball at high school in China.

也许我还会是,你们从不会知道,也许我不会成为一个职业运动家而只是一个活跃的女运动员。Maybe I still will be, you never know. Maybe I wouldn't be a professional athlete at all and just a very active sportswoman.

年轻女运动员,在体育比赛或紧张的训练过程中出现的闭经,称为“运动性闭经”。Young sportswoman , in the amenorrhoea that appears in sports match or nervous training course, call " motility amenorrhoea ".

女子技术男性化是一个符合乒乓球运动规律的趋势。In This paper discusses the fact that it is a trend accordance with the table tennis law that sportswoman has manlike technology.

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优秀运动员必须具备良好的视觉功能,而相关的视觉功能训练可望提高运动成绩。A outstanding sportsman or sportswoman must own good visual function while visual training are supposed to improve the sports achievement.

在这个盛会上,唯有运动员才是盛会的主角,展示他们的风貌,是奥运的主旨。In this grand event, only the sportsmen and sportswoman have the main role. The exhibition of their performances is the substance of the Olympics.

第一类女运动员实属凤毛麟角,比如记忆中的格拉芙,而当今男运动员中倒有不少,比如小贝。Fact of the first kind of sportswoman is belonged to rare, the case in be being remembered for instance pulls Fu, and have in current male athlete many, for instance Xiaobei.