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他患了猩红热。He's got scarlet fever.

田野穿上绯红色的衣袍。The field a scarlet gown.

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有的,不过只有猩红色的了。Yes, but only in scarlet.

扎头发的红丝带”。Scarlet Ribbons for my hair.

她扎头发用的红丝带。Scarlet Ribbons for her hair.

这个红字就是他的记号!This scarlet letter is his mark!

上帝栽下了红彤彤的枫树。God planted a scarlet maple tree.

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他没有穿他的猩红外套。He did not wear his scarlet coat.

看起来这好像是猩红热。It looks as if it's scarlet fever.

大红人,她穿的衣服。Scarlet were the clothes she wore.

“它是一只深红色的朱鹭,”爸爸说。It's a scarlet ibis, " Daddy said."

猩红热传染性很强。Scarlet fever is highly contagious.

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她扎头发用的鲜红,鲜红的丝带。Scarlet, Scarlet Ribbons for her hair.

因为不管她那猩红的开心For whether she in scarlet does delight

他必着紫衣红袍。He shall be clothed in scarlet and purple.

圣诞节前她得了猩红热病。She caught scarlet fever before Christmas.

朱红会从他的唇上消褪。The scarlet would pass away from his lips.

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战火轰隆,猩红的子弹在狂呼。War bellows blazing in scarlet batralions.

龙虾在被煮熟的时候会变红。Lobsters turn scarlet when they are boiled.

姑娘羞愧得满脸通红。The girl's cheeks blushed scarlet with shame.