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前有领养老金的人扯着后腿,后有地位渐显的年轻选民们拽着胳膊。Yet as pensioners tug one way, upwardly mobile young voters pull another.

典型地背斜是岩层向上凸起的褶曲。Anticlines are arch-shaped folds in which rock layers are upwardly convex.

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它的茎向上攀援,象征向上发达、兴旺。Its stem climbs up upwardly , the symbol is upwardly developed, is prosperous.

英国中学的考试成绩完全有可能大幅度上升。Britain's secondary-school exam results have every reason to be upwardly mobile.

你可能会注意到,一些推销员在陈述某种情况的时候会提升语调。You may have noticed that some salespeople will upwardly inflect certain statements of fact.

实际上对于供应商而言,最好的方法是使用支持“向上兼容修复程序”的模型。Really, the best approach for vendors is to go with the model of supporting "upwardly compatible fixes."

服务领域提供的就业岗位在1月增长了192,000个工作岗位,低于上月的237,000个工作岗位。Service-providing employment rose by 192,000 jobs in January, down from an upwardly revised 237,000 in December.

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我担心在我们这个所谓向上爬的世界里,我们的道德水准却在盘旋下降,几近崩溃。I fear that in our so-called upwardly mobile world we are on a downward spiral towards becoming morally bankrupt.

弹体的阻力中心位于尾部。在炸弹垂力的作用下,弹体前部便垂向下方,尾部向上抬起。In the bomb hangs the strength under the function, forebody then vertical underneath, the rear part lifts upwardly.

豪华汽车制造商在吸引这群追求档次和时尚的新富阶层消费者时相互阻挠。Luxury automakers are tripping over each other to appeal to this upwardly mobile and style-conscious class of consumers.

鸽子竞赛——所以鸽子饲养很广泛——在中国向上层流动的中层很流行。Pigeon racing — and pigeon breeding in general — has exploded in popularity among China's upwardly mobile middle classes.

这回这个形容词是在表达勉强还是崇敬?是讽刺还是肯定?Will the adjective this time be grudging or admiring, cynical or affirmative, upwardly mythopoeic or downwardly Mammonite?

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如今,别克在中国是首屈一指的豪华车品牌,对于那些年轻有为的商业精英来说它已然成为了地位的象征。Today, Buick is one of China's leading luxury-car brands and a status symbol for the young, upwardly mobile business elite.

在崎岖盘旋的山路上,一个弯道接着一个弯道,从山脚向上看的时候,就感觉这条路是直通云霄。In circles ruggedly on the mountain road, a curve then curve, looks upwardly from the foot, felt that this road goes nonstop to Yunsiao.

对中国很多爬升很快的年轻人来说,婚礼是炫耀财富和身份地位的一个机会,同时也是遵守传统。For many of China's upwardly mobile young, a wedding is an opportunity to show-off their wealth and status, while conforming to traditions.

俗语,用于形容那些想通过不正当关系向上爬的野心十足的人。Colloquial term used to describe an upwardly ambitious and aggressive person who wants to climb the ladder by having questionable relationships.

很多年龄在三四十岁、事业处于上升期的年轻夫妇及家庭肯定会舍维也纳而选择世界上的其他地方。Certainly, many young, upwardly mobile professional couples and families in their thirties and forties bypass Vienna for other parts of the world.

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5月Nationwide消费者信心指数降至65,为去年6月以来最低,4月上修后为75.Nationwide's consumer confidence index fell to 65 in May, the lowest reading since June last year, from an upwardly revised reading of 75 in April.

但事实上,许多向上登攀的中国人介乎中间,对于自我实现和消费满足同样纵情追逐。But, in fact, many upwardly mobile Chinese fall somewhere in the middle, chasing personal fulfillment and consumer gratification with equal abandon.

美国劳工部称,上周首次申请失业救济金人数从前一周修正后有所上扬的44.8万人下降到44.4万人。The Labor Department said that first-time claims for jobless benefits dipped to 444,000 last week from an upwardly revised 448,000 the previous week.