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来治愈创伤。or heal from trauma.

时间会治愈你的心伤。In time you will heal.

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让时间抚平心伤。Let the time heal my hurt.

是的,我们能治愈这个国家!Yes we can heal this nation.

他的计划能够医治所有的伤口吗?Is it to heal all these wounds?

时间飞逝,伤痛逐渐痊愈。Time went by and so wounds heal.

但是我必须得这么做,否则我的心病得不到治愈。But I had to, or I could not heal.

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但是这是个痊愈必要步骤。But this is necessary step to heal.

我们得帮她治疗情伤。We have to help her heal her heart.

你儿子吉尔塞勒斯看到我治愈他了。Your son Gilthanas saw me heal him.

那时,身体就开始自我恢复了。The body then begins to heal itself.

时间不一定能医治心灵的创伤。Time does not always heal old sores.

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我在此地停留期间它会愈合吗?Will it heal up during my stay here?

穆拉莎奇帮助汉尼拔恢复了健康。Lady Murasaki helps Hannibal to heal.

耶稣,医治我为罪恶所创伤的肉体。Jesus, heal my body scabbed with sins!

请神怜悯和医治。Ask for God Mercy and heal the country.

请记住你的身体是需要时间来复原的。Remember, your body needs time to heal.

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恢复德鲁伊有很多治疗法术。Resto druids have a lot of heal spells.

绷带和食物并不能给主角加血。Bandages and foods don't heal the actor.

我仅专注自己的心智修练和疗愈自己。I do my own mental work and heal myself.