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我的母亲因我撒谎而愤怒。My mother was wrathful with my lying.

我握紧双手,眼里冒著愤怒的火花。I clenched my hand with a wrathful spark in my eyes.

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麦克握紧双手,眼里冒著愤怒的火花。Mike clench his hand with a wrathful spark in his eyes.

那个年轻人极度愤怒地冲进了那屋子。The young man rushed into that room, angry and wrathful.

麦克握紧双手,眼里冒着愤怒的火花。Mike clenched his hands with a wrathful spark in his eyes.

她愤怒至极,对着赫斯渥就是一棍子,赫斯渥躲开了。She was exceedingly wrathful and struck at Hurstwood, who dodged.

同时暴躁的上校满腔怒火走进集会。Meanwhile the choleric Captain strode wrathful away to the council.

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火焰从他身体往外散发,他看起来非常愤怒和恐怖吓人。With flames emitting from his body, he looks extremely wrathful and fear-striking.

求你将你的恼恨,倒在他们身上,叫你的烈怒追上他们。Pour out thine indignation upon them, and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them.

法师为战场释放出女死神们,让天空变成血红而充满恨意。The caster unleashes the Morrigans on the battleground, coloring the skies red and wrathful.

他那长满又短又黑的浓须的瘦削的面庞,显露出满面怒容。His face, which had grown thin, and was covered with a thick, short, black heard, looked wrathful.

他宣讲上帝的最后审判即将来临,为悔改者施洗礼。He preached the imminent wrathful judgment of God and called on his hearers to repent and be baptized.

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从您在我店里的留言中,我可以清楚地感觉到您对我卑劣的行径是多么多么地生气和憎恶!From your words which left on my small store, I can feel that you were so angry and wrathful by my TERRIBLE action.

关于谁是这只猴子的谣言此起彼伏——也许是一个巴基斯坦的间谍,亦或是一个愤怒的印度神化身而来?Rumors swirled about who this "monkey man" was — a new Pakistani plot, perhaps, or the avatar of a wrathful Hindu deity?

没听清楚讲话,却听清伯爵愤怒声音的人群,骚动起来,并往前挤,随后又停了下来。Hearing not the words, but only the wrathful tones of Rastoptchin's voice, the mob moaned and heaved forward, but stopped again.

我们的守护天使海蒂,她即将化身成复仇女神,手持利剑,口吐火球,末日来临了!Our guardian angel Heidi will soon become the wrathful Nemesis with a sword in her hand and fire in her breath, we're all doomed!

人类对自然过度的征服最终会招致自然的愤怒,愤怒的自然会给予人类严厉的惩罚。The excessive conquest will result in the wrath of nature and the wrathful nature may mete out severe penalties for human beings.

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文武百尊的法性,涵盖六道有情众生,是一切法界的真实显现。The nature of Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities covers all beings in the six realms and is the actual appearance of All Dharmadhatu.

设计出的EEPROM版图,不但满足了目前的工作需要,同时为以后抗辐射版图设计提供了有用的参考。The designs not only satisfied the needs of present work, but supply a wrathful reference for radiation hardened layout design in future.

他显示了愤怒的方面只提醒我们,有害的州,如愤怒,骄傲和嫉妒在我们的头脑应该是不能容忍的。He shows a wrathful aspect only to remind us that harmful states such as anger, pride and jealousy within our minds should not be tolerated.